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"It is nice to be out," she said, as she tripped along. "I love hot sun; I love twees; I love blue sky; I love dust." "I don't," replied Orion; "this road is horrid dusty, and it gets into my shoes. I have only my house shoes on, you know, Diana." "Oh, never mind!" answered Diana. "If you is a giant, you isn't going to g'umble. What is the use of g'umbling? You be all wight soon.

So I escaped with her and Milly to the nursery, where I stayed as long as I dared, letting my cheeks cool. "The twee ith mine and Mamma'th," said Joy; "we're the only oneth young enough to have Christhmath twees, Papa thayth." "Hoh, guess I'm younger'n Mamma, ain't I?" scoffed my other little cousin who had been sent to inquire into our delay.

She could master, or she fancied she could master, Aunt Jane, Simpson, and Miss Ramsay, but she knew well, from past experience, that she could not master Apollo. "What is to be done?" she said. She thought for a long time. "Would not you like a bow and arrow just all your own, to shoot at the twees with?" she asked at last artfully. "Oh, I have no objection to that!" answered Apollo.

I could shoot my arrow now and pwick the twees, if only I could get one made. Oh, here's a darlin' little stick it would make a lovely arrow, if I had a knife to sharpen the point with. Now, I do wonder what sort of a woman that Miss Wamsay is." Diana fixed her coal-black eyes on the lady. "She looks sort of gentle now she's weading," whispered the little girl to herself.

Jennie went softly across the room, and laid her hand upon the sketches. "Calling us to order, are you, Jennie?" Constance laughed. "Come, then, show us your pictures, and tell us about them." Eagerly the girl seized the sketch in her fingers. "Peety," she said, holding it tenderly up before them. "F'owers, twees, water."