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Indeed, they are said to be taken into houses and used as fly-traps. There is no perceptible odor to draw insects, except what arises from the decomposition of macerated victims; nor is any kind of lure to be detected at the mouth of the pitcher of the common purple-flowered species.

C. PURPUREUS. Purple-flowered Cistas. In this species, which may rank next to the latter in point of hardihood, the flowers are of a deep reddish-purple, and with a darker blotch at the base of each petal. C. SALVIFOLIUS is of loose and rather untidy growth, with rugose leaves and white flowers.

Lucerne is not much cultivated, and my host told me an interesting fact concerning it; in order to grow lucerne, farmers must procure seeds of local growers. Seeds from the south of France do not produce robust plants. The purple-flowered poppy, cultivated for the production of oil, must form a charming crop in summer, and is a most important product.

Roxburgh has stated to me many instances wherein it had performed wonders in that dreadful malady. The Datura Metal, Purple-flowered Thorn-apple, is much like the Stramonium, except in the flowers and the stalks being of a purple colour. I have made particular inquiry of Dr.

He said to himself that she might have almost gone mad, and again that sublime joy, that immense sense of the protection and tenderness of love, filled his soul, which seemed to put forth wings. Then the door opened and his mother entered softly, slipping through in her voluminous, purple-flowered draperies, with glimpses of white frills and large padding feet in purple-knitted slippers.

The grass in many of the hollows was almost high enough to cut with a scythe, and its green expanse was patched with purple-flowered weeds.

The seeds of each plant were collected and sown separately, those of the nearest gave up to 5 or 6 hybrids from the seeds of one parent, while those of the farthest gave only one purple-flowered plant for each parent. Evidently the chance of the pollen being carried by bees is much greater on short than on longer distances.

Many a time have I heard the simple song of Roger M'Cann, coming from the top of brown Dunroe, mellowed, by the stillness of the hour, to something far sweeter to the heart than all that the labored pomp of musical art and science can effect; or the song of Katty Roy, the beauty of the village, streaming across the purple-flowered moor, "Sweet as the shepherd's pipe upon the mountains."

Warm and deliciously fragrant, it swept the stiff wet Bermuda grass upon the lawn of the Sherrill villa at Palm Beach, rustled the crimson hedge of hibiscus, caught the subtle perfume of jasmine and oleander and swept on to a purple-flowered vine on the white walls of the villa, a fuller, richer thing for the ghost-scent of countless flowers.

She showed me how to make vinegar pies; and I failed in my pies made of the purple-flowered prairie oxalis; but she triumphed over me by using the deliriously acid leaves as a flavoring for sandwiches we were getting our first experience as prairie-dwellers in being deprived of the common vegetable foods of the garden and forest.