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I had also a swing cot made, with pullies to raise him up when he should feel disposed to change his position. Whilst these necessary preparations were being forwarded, I was engaged writing my public despatches.

50 harping irons. 9 machicos to cut the Whale withal. 2 doozen of machetos to minch the Whale. 2 great hookes to turne the Whale. 3 paire of Can hookes. 6 hookes for staues. 3 dozen of staues for the harping irons. 6 pullies to turne the Whale with. 10 great baskets. 10 lampes of iron to carie light. 5 kettles of 150 li. the piece, and 6 ladles. 1000 of nailes for the pinnases.

"Why, Will," said Ganlesse, "thou art a more complete mechanist than I suspected; thou hast brought thy scene-shifting inventions to Derbyshire in marvellously short time." "A rope and pullies can be easily come by," answered Will; "and with a saw and a plane, I can manage that business in half a day.

Carew was surprised at the grandeur of it; and seeing a green hill at the end of the great street, much like Glastonbury Tower, he went up to it, and had a most beautiful prospect of the city from the top of it, where was placed the mast of a ship, with pullies to draw up a lighted barrel of tar to alarm the country in case of an invasion.

The corporal had already, what with cutting off the ends of my uncle Toby's spouts hacking and chiseling up the sides of his leaden gutters, melting down his pewter shaving-bason, and going at last, like Lewis the Fourteenth, on to the top of the church, for spare ends, &c. he had that very campaign brought no less than eight new battering cannons, besides three demi-culverins, into the field; my uncle Toby's demand for two more pieces for the redoubt, had set the corporal at work again; and no better resource offering, he had taken the two leaden weights from the nursery window: and as the sash pullies, when the lead was gone, were of no kind of use, he had taken them away also, to make a couple of wheels for one of their carriages.

He determined not to leave "before he had built his Pinnaces," and therefore, as soon as the ships were moored, he ordered the pieces to be brought ashore "for the Carpenters to set up." The rest of the company was set to the building of a fort upon the beach by the cutting down of trees, "and haling them together with great Pullies and halsers."

Archimedes used to mourn that though his mechanic powers were irresistible, yet he could never raise the world; because he had no place in the heavens, whereon to fix his pullies. Even so, our republic will never be raised above the shameful factions and miserable end of all other governments, until our citizens come to have their hearts like Archimedes' pullies, fixed on heaven.

Their windows do not move upon hinges, but are pushed up and drawn down in grooves, yet they are seldom accommodated with weights and pullies. He that would have his window open must hold it with his hand, unless what may be sometimes found among good contrivers, there be a nail which he may stick into a hole, to keep it from falling.

Archimedes took a three-masted ship, a transport in the king's navy, which had just been dragged up on land with great labour and many men; in this he placed her usual complement of men and cargo, and then sitting at some distance, without any trouble, by gently pulling with his hand the end of a system of pullies, he dragged it towards him with as smooth and even a motion as if it were passing over the sea.

Nothing, however, occurred to interrupt their march; and in a few minutes the heavy clanking sound of the chains of the drawbridge, as it was again raised by its strong pullies, and the dull creaking sound of the rusty bolts and locks that secured the ponderous gate, announced the detachment was once more safely within the fort.