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He was in a high state of dudgeon, and as defiant and pugnacious as his royal Irish temper would allow. At the same time he was pleased to think that I or some one had arrived who would relieve him of this damnable "nonsinse," or so he hoped. He was not so inexperienced as not to imagine that I could help him with all this. In fact, as time proved, this was my sole reason for being here.

"Of course she was, and so were one or two of the men, so she was able to have a good laugh with us behind the scenes when she'd done anything particularly outrageous. And she really enjoyed herself. You see, she's in the position of poor relation in a rather pugnacious family, and her life has been largely spent in smoothing over other people's quarrels.

He had never, in all his pugnacious and sanguinary life, looked upon anything so fascinating. It seemed to him as if his heaven the savage Walhalla of his Saxon or Danish berserker race were opened before him. In his ecstasy he waved his dirty, long fingers toward Coronado, and shouted, "Bully for you, old hoss!"

"Poo, nonsense it don't signify." But it does signify, old man. To touch you more near you yourself have been known to get fou and pugnacious on great occasions the visit of royalty, for instance it is on record. Would it be so, were the Gael to allege, that "her nainsell had coupit you by a pig kick on her preach?"

Henry slunk away and sat down by himself to brood over his troubles, Hindenburg from a safe distance eyeing the bear, a dark ruff showing along his pugnacious little back. Mrs. Shafto began the preparation of breakfast immediately after recovering her bear.

In the animal world all forms of psychic variations are found allying themselves now with the male sex form, and then with the female. In the insect and fish worlds, where the female forms are generally larger and stronger than the male, the female is generally more pugnacious and predatory than the male.

One thing we must do if ever we get the chance, and that is let these shell gatherers know we don't mean to harm 'em even a little bit." "But they've just got to let our pearls be, or else they're going to get into trouble, that's what," remarked the pugnacious Steve, with a determined shake of his head and a gritting of his teeth. Max saw and heard, and was more deeply bewildered than ever.

Ryder was a very pugnacious man an admirable actor, and in appearance like an old tree that has been struck by lightning, or a greenless, barren rock; and he was very strong in his likes and dislikes, and in his manner of expressing them. "D'ye suppose he engaged me for my powers as an actor?" he used to say of Mr. Kean. "Not a bit of it! He engaged me for my d d archaeological figure!"

What reason is there to think that this interpretation is applicable to the case under consideration? When a female is present, we observe that the males are pugnacious, and, when she is absent, that they still continue to be hostile that is to say, they behave as if she were present.

"There!" he said, breathlessly, "look at that, Tweddle; she's going to punch my head! I suppose you'll tell me that's the glass?" Leander trembled this time for his own reputation; for the report that he kept a mysterious and pugnacious statue on the premises would not increase his custom. He must silence it, if possible. "I'm afraid it is, sir in a way," he remarked, compassionately.