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Her web is very similar in structure and appearance to those of the two others. What will happen if I procure her the visit of a Banded Epeira? The lady of the triple cross is invaded by day, in the full light of the sun, thanks to my mischievous intermediary. The web is deserted; the proprietress is in her leafy hut.

Portico had a bold, humorous, slightly flamboyant look; people who saw her for the first time received an impression that her late husband had married the daughter of a barkeeper or the proprietress of a menageria. Her high, hoarse, good-natured voice seemed to connect her in some way with public life; it was not pretty enough to suggest that she might have been an actress.

We are caught!" She turned frantically to Vagualame. He stood calm and collected. "Ah!" said he with a touch of raillery, looking at the proprietress: "They have been warned that you are again breaking the work law!" Shaking a threatening finger at the rigid Sophie, Vagualame went to the shop entrance.

Such importunity entered the round of their tacit duties. There even existed among the girls some captious, childish, strange rivalry as to the ability to "ease a guest of his money" strange enough because they did not derive any profit out of this, unless, indeed, a certain affection from the housekeeper or a word of approbation from the proprietress.

There are attractive little chocolate and pastry shops and cheerful semi-pension restaurants where whole families, including, in these days, minor politicians with axes to grind and occasional young women from the boulevards, all dine together in a warm bustle of talk, smoke, the gurgle of claret, and tear off chunks of hard French bread, while madame the proprietress, a handsome, dark-eyed, rather Spanish-looking Bordelaise, sails round, subduing the impatient, smiling at those who wish to be smiled at, and ordering her faithful waiters about like a drill-sergeant.

The proprietress stood as though nailed to the doorway leading to the kitchen. "Is he wounded?" "No matter a mattress!" "But he might soil it " "Then I'll pay for it but for the love of heaven, be quick!" Just then the boy's head lurched forward and the blood poured from his mouth.

The liquors are owned and sold by the proprietress, her prices being generally double those of the best Broadway wine stores. Her profits are enormous. The "first men" of the city and country visit these places. The proportion of married men amongst the guests is very large.

He passed whole days and evenings as a habitue of the billiard parlor in the tavern, always half-tipsy, shedding his little jokes, jingles and little sayings, acting familiarly with the porters, with the housekeepers and the girls. In the houses everybody from the proprietress to the chamber-maids treated him with a bit of derision careless, a trifle contemptuous, but without malice.

And these charming friends, the joy and consolation of an untroubled old age, were: one the keeper of a loan office; another the proprietress of a lively hotel near the railroad; the third the owner of a jewelry shop, not large, but all the go and well known among the big thieves, &c.

In that room also stood the famous arm-chair of the late proprietress, a chair with a high, straight back, in which, even in her old age, she used always to sit bolt upright. On the wall hung an old portrait of Fedor's great-grandfather, Andrei Lavretsky. His dark, sallow countenance could scarcely be distinguished against the cracked and darkened background.