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This is the sum of a criticism so strongly felt that it raises a barrier to appreciation, almost a gate shut against knowledge between the good American readers and the progressives in our literature. Sandburg and Lindsay between them will cause more acrimony in a gathering of English teachers than even Harold Bell Wright. Miss Lowell carries controversy with her, triumphantly riding upon it.

Some of the original, Simon-Pure Progressives disapproved of this collusion, declaring that it represented a "deal," and that the Progressive Party, which had come into existence as a rebuke of Machine politics, ought never to soil itself by entering into a "deal."

From 1901 to 1909 the Executive was in the control of the progressives and the President was able to get some important laws passed by a reactionary Congress, but in some instances the courts annulled these laws. The appointment of justices of the district courts of the United States is to a degree influenced by the senators in the district in which the appointment is to be made.

Society is a living organism and must obey the laws of life, not of mechanics; it must develop. All that progressives ask or desire is permission in an era when "development," "evolution," is the scientific word to interpret the Constitution according to the Darwinian principle; all they ask is recognition of the fact that a nation is a living thing and not a machine.

After conferences between Republican and Progressive leaders which failed to bring about unanimity, the Republican convention nominated Justice Charles E. Hughes of the Supreme Court, and the Progressives chose Roosevelt. Hughes was a reformer by nature, recognized as a man of high principles, courageous, able and remembered as a vigorous and popular governor of New York.

At Pere-Lachaise I was seized with a profound and sorrowful disgust for humanity. You can not imagine the fetichism of the tombs. The real Parisian is more of an idolater than a negro is! It made me long to lie down in one of the graves. And the PROGRESSIVES think that there is nothing better than to rehabilitate Robespierre!

At first, like a true country man, he was a little inclined to counsels of caution, but in his country Sunday school work he had acquired such strong opinions about old fogies that he dreaded being thought one himself. "And that's how it happened," he said with a laugh, "that I was soon reckoned among the progressives.

You need not mind telling me." "I cannot say that I am aware of having committed any crime, Paul." "Come now, something must have happened, for the police does not take a step of that kind without some provocation it's only your beggarly Progressives who think that, but nobody who knows the fundamental principles of our government and its officials would believe it."

They seem as miscellaneous as "Kitchener's Army." It is true that we can make certain distinctions. Virginia, as has often been said, was more like a continuation of English society, while New England represented a digression from English society. There were then, as now, "stand-patters" and "progressives."

Our international relations were in a disturbed and critical condition when the presidential campaign of 1916 came on. The Republicans and the Progressives planned to meet in Chicago on June 7 for the nomination of candidates, in the hope that the two parties might unite upon a single nominee and platform, and thus defeat Wilson who was sure to be the Democratic candidate.