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The frontal attack at the end of January which failed for the third time was followed by a flanking attack on the Niemen which also failed, and then by a drive on the southern flank in Galicia which turned the whole Russian front of 900 miles, led to a wholesale retreat, and precipitated the greatest set-back the Allies suffered in the war.

Of Flora he thought with the regard of a brother for a sister; of Rose with a sensation yet more deep and tender. It might be still his fate to supply the want of those guardians they had lost. Agitated by these thoughts he precipitated his journey. When he arrived in Edinburgh, where his inquiries must necessarily commence, he felt the full difficulty of his situation.

It may have been the literal fact that the situation precipitated by the presence of Giolitti demanded their constant watchfulness. Or it may well have been that the King and the Salandra Government had no intention of allowing their hand in this dangerous game to be forced by any reckless fervor of the poet. They were not ready, yet, to countenance his inflammation.

All night I used to hear the falling cliffs precipitated with a dull heavy splash into the water, a pretty spectacle in the day-time, when the whirling current is seen to carry a cloud of white dust, like smoke, along its course.

Jorrocks, chanced to reside in the neighbourhood, I have warned her that at any time I might come down and should expect to find things ready. Your rash and heartless conduct has, however, precipitated matters, and we have arrived before her preparations were complete. Our future arrangements will therefore be less primitive than they are at present.

The stream where it fell into the sea was half a mile wide, and the flow kept up for three weeks, heating the ocean twenty miles from land. An eye-witness of this extraordinary flow thus describes it: "When the torrent of fire precipitated itself into the ocean, the scene assumed a character of terrific and indescribable grandeur.

If it be said, as it may truly be said, that this is too trifling a cause of derangement to produce much effect, then there comes the more important cause with which it co-operates. The medium from which the flocculi have been precipitated, and through which they are moving, must, by gravitation, be rendered denser in its central parts than in its peripheral parts.

The firemen, who had been stopped on the second floor by mistake by the terrified lodgers, had already broken through a wall and precipitated themselves into a room, when a hundred shouts gave them warning: "'On the third floor! On the third floor! "They flew to the third floor. There there was an infernal uproar, beams from the roof crashing in, corridors filled with a suffocating smoke.

'Addio, my beloved Granny; take care of your dear bones and come home soon, said Amanda, in the little back entry, while her luggage was being precipitated downstairs. 'Heaven bless and keep you safe, my own Possum.

Crash came the shot in Charleston Harbor and the fall of Sumter. Curiously enough two persons of Kentucky birth Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis led the rival hosts of war into which an untenable and indefensible system of slave labor, for which the two sections were equally responsible, had precipitated an unwilling people. Had Judge Douglas lived he would have been Mr.