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Marsden's, cheesemonger, in the borough. Other cases are set forth; but the reader will probably consider that specimens enough have been culled from Mrs. Pratt's pamphlet. That the proceedings of the De Loutherbourgs attracted extraordinary attention is very certain. Crowds surrounded the painter's house at Hammersmith, so that it was with difficulty he could go in or out.

Among these was Elder Pratt's former teacher, Sidney Rigdon, who also became one of the Church's leading men. Others who joined the Church at this time were Edward Partridge who became the first bishop in the Church, Newel K. Whitney who became the second, Lyman Wight who became an apostle, and many others. In a few weeks the missionaries had raised up a large branch of the Church at Kirtland.

Noah Clegg had sent Wully Johnstone's Johnny to look up and down the line to see if there was anyone coming, and Johnny having reported no one but Silas Pratt's brindled cow, the service commenced. "Now, boys and girls," said the superintendent, with a fine old London accent, "we'll sing 'ymn number fifty-four: "There is a 'appy land Far, far away."

Everyone rushed eagerly forward, and crowded around Miss Mercer as she descended from the buggy, smiling pleasantly at the bashful Tom Pratt, who did his best to help her in her descent. And not the least eager, by any means, was Tom Pratt's mother, whose early indifference to the interest of these good Samaritans in her misfortunes seemed utterly to have vanished.

Even minister Whittle had a curiosity to know how much was added to the sum-total of Deacon Pratt's assets, by the return of a craft that had so long been set down among the missing.

Clearly that was a point to which they must hark back he himself must make more inquiries about the circumstances of Antony Bartle's last hours. For this affair would not have to rest where it was it was intolerable that Nesta Mallathorpe should in any way be under Pratt's power. He went back to Eldrick at four o'clock with a suggestion or two in his mind.

I used to wear this dress at Pratt's, with white collars and cuffs and well, I just put it on again. I had it in the bottom of my trunk, and I guessed you'd like it." "I didn't know you at first," he said, and the pleasure in his face was her reward.

But in the place of "Pratt's Garden" was an open park, and the old house where Robert Morris held his court in a former generation was changing to a public restaurant. A suspension-bridge cobwebbed itself across the Schuylkill where that audacious arch used to leap the river at a single bound, an arch of greater span, as they loved to tell us, than was ever before constructed.

It fell out far otherwise to your expectations; and, but for Pratt's gruntings and grumblings about cuckoos picked up in the street, which Mrs Anne bore with smiling patience, I had vaunted every day my good fortune in lighting on such beauty and merit. My first alarm took place when Molly Skerret comes down one day and sees her engaged over the lace ruffles of my negligee. Says she:

The recently perfected coal-oil stove does not give out disagreeable odors when the petroleum used is refined, like that known in the market as Pratt's Astral Oil. This brand of oil does not contain naphtha, the existence of which in the partially refined oils is the cause of so many dangerous explosions of kerosene lamps.