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It is a curious coincidence, that an ambassador from the King of Habbesh, called Lucas Marcos, a priest of that country, came about this time to Rome and afterwards to Lisbon, which circumstance gave a new impetus to all the King of Portugal's "hopes, wishes, and endeavours." A more remarkable person even than an ambassador from Prester John arrived nearly at the same time at Lisbon.

No less than forty thousand Negroes are annually imported for this purpose, on the king of Portugal's account; and the English were credibly informed, that, in the year 1766, this number fell so short, that twenty thousand more were drafted from the town of Rio.

How suitable they seemed! how happy! She had brought them together after many difficulties might it not be? It was surely a thing to be hoped for! Rose, galloping freshly, was saying to Evan: 'Why did you cut off your moustache? He, neck and neck with her, replied: 'You complained of it in Portugal. And she: 'Portugal's old times now to me and I always love old times. I'm sorry!

The first that visited incognito there, for he was not to own any till he had made his entry, was the King of Portugal's Secretary, Antonio de Sousa: there came about that time also the Earl of Inchiquin, and Count Schomberg, to visit us.

Her jewels are often mere colored glass, her embroideries tawdry, and her garments not over clean. But in the brilliant sunshine of this glowing noon Portugal's capital sat throned in majesty, and the passengers were enthusiastic in their praises. "Come!" cried Dwight, appearing like a bombshell in their midst. "Are you ready, girls?

The colony of Macao is scarcely more important than one of Anthony Hope's imaginary kingdoms, but for the fact that it is on the map, for the area of Portugal's foothold is not more than two or three miles in length, and a half-mile to a mile in width; it is merely the rocky promontory of the tip end of the island of Heung Shan.

When I told her of Portugal's entry into the war, and how our ancient and hereditary ally had handed over to England sixty out of the seventy-one German ships she had taken in her ports, Elizabeth snorted with rage and said that England, of course, forced all the little nations to fight against Germany. One of my friends, and not the least welcome, was Corporal Nel.

We were to follow him and do as he told us, or it would be much the worse for us! We weren't to put in at St. George la Mina on the coast of Africa, nor touch at the King of Portugal's islands, and that was the whole of it!" "All seamen were to be given good pay," said Sancho.

This check to self-laudation came at an appropriate moment, as he said, for just at this time honors were being plentifully showered upon him. It was then that he was first notified of the bestowal of the Spanish decoration, and of the probability of Portugal's following suit.

In the absence of evidence, documentary or otherwise, China could not admit Portugal's title to half the territory claimed, but was prepared to concede all that part of the Peninsula of Macao south of Portas do Cerco which was already beyond the limits of the original Portuguese Possession of Macao, and also to grant the developed parts of Ilhas de Coloane as Portuguese settlements.