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After she had seen two women, one man, and a little girl unhesitatingly enter the gate and walk briskly down the path, however, Pollyanna concluded that she, too, might go. Watching her chance she skipped nimbly across the street and entered the Garden. It was even more beautiful close at hand than it had been at a distance.

"Yes trees and grass, you know, with a walk in the middle of it, and seats, and " But the boy interrupted her with a whoop of delight. "Gee whiz! Commonwealth Avenue, sure as yer livin'! Wouldn't that get yer goat, now?" "Oh, do you know do you, really?" besought Pollyanna. "That sounded like it only I don't know what you meant about the goat part. There aren't any goats there.

She did not realize it herself, but she had so long been accustomed to wanting what she did not have, that to state off-hand what she DID want seemed impossible until she knew what she had. Obviously, however, she must say something. This extraordinary child was waiting. "Well, of course, there's lamb broth " "I've got it!" crowed Pollyanna.

Miss Polly, to tell the truth, was feeling curiously helpless. For the third time since Pollyanna's arrival, Miss Polly was punishing Pollyanna and for the third time she was being confronted with the amazing fact that her punishment was being taken as a special reward of merit. No wonder Miss Polly was feeling curiously helpless.

Behind him he left a girl who was in a scarcely less enviable frame of mind; for Pollyanna, tremulously happy in the wondrous thought of Jimmy's love for her, was yet so despairingly terrified at the thought of the possible love of John Pendleton, that there was not a thrill of joy that did not carry its pang of fear.

Pollyanna," his eyes flamed into stern wrath, "you don't mean to tell me there's anybody ELSE'S love you think you've got to keep me waiting for?" he demanded, holding her at arm's length. "No, no, Jimmy! Don't look at me like that. I can't bear it!" "Then what is it? What is it you can't do?" "I can't marry you." "Pollyanna, do you love me?" "Yes. Oh, y-yes."

Carew she made two visits to Jamie, and greatly did she rejoice at the changed conditions she found there after "that man Dodge" had "tended to things." But this, to Pollyanna, was a mere drop in the bucket. There were yet all those other sick-looking men, unhappy-looking women, and ragged children out in the street Jamie's neighbors. Confidently she looked to Mrs. Carew for help for them, also.

"None of your log-cabin-central-dining-room idea for us! We want real camp-fires with potatoes baked in the ashes, and we want to sit around and tell stories and roast corn on a stick." "And we want to swim and row and fish," chimed in Pollyanna. "And " She stopped suddenly, her eyes on Jamie's face. "That is, of course," she corrected quickly, "we wouldn't want to to do those things all the time.

For the second time in five minutes, Pollyanna hastened to make amends. "Of course I don't mean the kind of glad that's sinfully proud," she explained, searching Mrs. Carew's face with anxious eyes. "Maybe you thought I did, same as Aunt Polly used to, sometimes.

And after a time she went away with your father. I did not know until then how much I did care. The whole world suddenly seemed to turn black under my fingers, and But, never mind. For long years I have been a cross, crabbed, unlovable, unloved old man though I'm not nearly sixty, yet, Pollyanna.