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If he had never heard of her before, the smooth sweeping outline of her magnificent form, and the careless grace of her attitude, as she stood leaning against the stone balustrade, were not likely to escape an eye that was wont to light on every point of feminine perfection, as a poacher's does on a sitting hare.

And Parsloe, who was pretty well educated and a very sharp man, felt inclined to doubt he hadn't seen a baggering poacher's mongrel; but old John wouldn't tell 'em then. He was a stickler for his job and never wasted no time gossiping in working hours.

Outside they found Allan examining the prize with considerable interest, while Giraffe was fanning himself, and making all sorts of grimaces as he raised first one hand and then the other to his nose. "I'll step in and take a look now, while we're here," mentioned Allan; "because I may never get another chance to see what a fish poacher's storage place is like."

Passage of the woodcock in November Their laziness Night travelling Mode of snaring them at night Numbers taken in this way This sport adapted rather for the poacher The braconnier of Le Morvan His mode of life The poacher's dog The double poacher.

She will never tell and neither of us will ever forget. Ah! what was that?" He walked quickly to the window. What he had heard had been a dull report coming apparently from the woods beyond the eastern side of the avenue. As he reached the window it was followed by a second. "That poacher's gun? no doubt!" he strained his eyes in vain "Collision perhaps and mischief? No matter!

They exchanged a look in which they read their common thoughts: so now the old woman would not trouble them any more: the poacher's hovel would be razed to the ground, as the walls of the Fouques' enclosure had been demolished; and they would for ever enjoy the respect and esteem of Plassans. But the guests were looking at the table. Felicite showed the gentlemen their seats. It was perfect bliss.

'Oh! a poacher's lurcher? You did right. Fight such fellows with constables. You have seen Lady Charlotte? 'I am on my way to her ladyship. 'Do me this favour. Fourteen doors up the street of her residence, my physician lives. I have to consult him at once. Dr. Rewkes. Weyburn bowed. Lady Charlotte could not receive him later than half-past ten of the morning, he said.

They would stand, with their faces hidden, beneath the trees, and Winter was to bring the poacher towards them, after asking him to pick out the man who most resembled the person he had seen standing in the avenue at Beechcroft. The test was most successful. "Rabbit Jack" instantly selected Hume. "It's either the chap hisself or his dead spit," was the poacher's dictum.

"Mv informant was a woman, and one of the people," said Egremont. "Some poacher's drab! I don't care what women say, high or low, they always exaggerate." "The misery of a family who live upon seven or even eight shillings a-week can scarcely be exaggerated." "What should you know about it? Did you ever live on seven or eight shillings a-week?

As a partridge is a small bird, and stands at about a shilling in the poacher's catalogue, he does not care to risk a shot at one, but likes to get several at once. This he can do in the spring, when the birds have paired and remain so near together, and again in the latter part of the summer, when the coveys are large, not having yet been much broken up by the sportsmen.