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But this is only what might have been seen on any bright morning in late spring or summer, in some castle pleasaunce. The three squires are doubtless talking of the chase, for, in my lady’s presence, love would hardly be their theme. And all around are beautiful flowers roses, lilies, and irises.

When the night cometh, and the task of the day is done, I hold you in my embrace, the proudest woman in Scotland, and you say again, as on that day in the pleasaunce, "For life, John Graham, and for death."

The Khalif Haroun er Reshid loved the Princess Zubeideh with an exceeding love and laid out for her a pleasaunce, in which he made a great pool and led thither water from all sides. Moreover, he set thereabout a screen of trees, which so grew and interlaced over the pool, that one could go in and wash, without being seen of any, for the thickness of the leafage.

I sighed for the Iberian 'Zarzuela, that most charming opera buffa which takes its name from a 'pleasaunce' in the Pardo Palace near Madrid. The condiments are mostly garlic and saffron, preferred to mustard and chillies. The pastry, they tell me, is excellent. It stood in the garden of the Marquez de Sauzal, who would willingly have preserved it.

To me the mysteries of iron pillars are without interest, and what I chiefly remember of this remarkable pleasaunce is the exquisite stone carvings of the ruined cloisters and the green parrots that play among the trees.

If this should seem a mere pleasaunce of delight, the vision of a poet, the garden of a dream, we have only to remember how realistically and simply Boccaccio has described for us that plague-stricken city, scarcely more than a mile away, to be assured of its truthfulness: and then listen to Alberti or old Agnolo Pandolfini, is it? in his Trattato del Governo della Famiglia, one of the most delightful books of the fifteenth century.

So far as the senses can tell, the world is your closet, a silent pleasaunce for your waking dreams. The coast-line has no lights, nor is any other vessel passing over the waters within range of eye or glass. The hosts of heaven beam down upon a silent universe in which you are the only waking soul.

"It is but too great an honor to squire the Queen of Bideford," said Cary, offering his hand. "If I am your queen, sir, I must be obeyed," answered she, in a meaning tone. Cary took the hint, and went on chattering cheerfully enough. But Don Guzman was not to be found in garden or in pleasaunce.

The territory of Womla may be divided into three zones, namely, a central plain under cultivation, a belt of undulating hills, kept as a park or pleasaunce, and a magnificent, nay, a sublime wilderness, next to the crater wall. The natural wealth of the country is very great. Some of its productions resemble and others are different from those of the earth.

The park is a beautiful pleasaunce for the inhabitants of Midhurst; thickly carpeted with bracken and heather and broken by many picturesque knolls and hollows. The famous burned and ruined mansion lies on the west, close to the town and river. This beautiful old house was destroyed in 1793 through the carelessness of some workmen employed in repairing the woodwork of some of the upper rooms.