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If I had a yaller dog that didn't know no more than a person's conscience does I would pison him. It takes up more room than all the rest of a person's insides, and yet ain't no good, nohow. Tom Sawyer he says the same. WE stopped talking, and got to thinking. By and by Tom says: "Looky here, Huck, what fools we are to not think of it before! I bet I know where Jim is." "No! Where?"

Of the which, the first is clept Pison, or Ganges, that is all one; and it runneth throughout Ind or Emlak, in the which river be many precious stones, and much of lignum aloes and much gravel of gold. And that other river is clept Nilus or Gison, that goeth by Ethiopia and after by Egypt. And that other is clept Tigris, that runneth by Assyria and by Armenia the great.

"An' where has 'e been took to?" inquired Tom. She couldn't tell; she knew it was somewhere about the White-horse Plains, but she didn't know more than that. "Did 'e not say w'en 'e'd be 'ome?" "No, he didn't." "Oh dear!" said Tom, rubbing his long nose in great perplexity. "It's an 'orrible case o' sudden and onexpected pison."

"Bekaise the people, now knowin' that they're abroad, keep watch-dogs, bloodhounds, and sich useful animals, that give the alarm at night, and the robbers wishin', you see, to get them out of the way, do be temptin' me about wishin' me to pison them." "Of course you resist them?" But what's any Chr'sthen 'idout the grace o' God? May we all have it! Amin, acheernah!"

"Not they! One taste will be quite enough." "You don't think I need label those casks `Temptation, do you?" "Nay, sir. If you want to be honest to the lads, I should put `Pison' upon them in big letters." "I would," said the doctor dryly, "but, as you say, sailors are sailors, and I don't think they'd believe it if I did." "What have you put in it, sir?" "Ah! that's my secret, Captain Chubb."

'What's one's meat's another's pison. You couldn't fetch up Mis' Pennel's children, and she couldn't fetch up your'n, so let's say no more 'bout it." "I'm always a-tellin' my wife that ar," said Captain Kittridge; "she's always wantin' to make everybody over after her pattern." "Cap'n Kittridge, I don't think you need to speak," resumed his wife.

Josephus and others supposed the allusion was made to the great rivers known to ancient geography, all of which ran into that greatest river of all, which encircled the globe. In this view, the Gihon might be the Nile, and the Pison the Ganges! Here, again, it may be remarked it is impossible to read the narrative and believe that the author meant any such widespread region.

We look upon each day with a fresh expectancy; we view ourselves with a new reverence. The waste wilderness within, from which we despaired of producing anything, must under Christ's recreating touch become an Eden, where we feel Pison and Euphrates roll Round the great garden of a kingly soul. But is this emparadised life to be some day thrown aside?

"Of course somebody asked you to drop in here so very accidentally: come now, who was it?" "I'm God Almighty's witness dropped from the clouds, I cal'late." "Come, sir, no prevarication. How came you here just at the nick of time?" "Counsellor, when I'm treated polite, I'm ile; but rile me, and I'm thunder stuffed with pison: don't you raise my dander, and I'll tell you.

If ever you gets to up'ards o' fifty, and feels disposed to go a-marryin' anybody no matter who jist you shut yourself up in your own room, if you've got one, and pison yourself off hand. Hangin's wulgar, so don't you have nothin' to say to that. Pison yourself, Samivel, my boy, pison yourself, and you'll be glad on it arterwards. With these affecting words, Mr.