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When the Reverend Doctor Pilsbury had suggested an appeal to a Higher Power, Peters had replied, good humoredly, that "a Creator who could fool around with them in that style was above being interfered with by prayer."

Bowen," he said, with a touch of tragedy whether real or affected, he did not well know himself in his hardiness, "what has become of Mrs. Pilsbury?" "Mrs. Milbury, you mean?" gasped Mrs. Bowen, in affright at his boldness. "Milbury, Bilbury, Pilsbury it's all one, so long as it isn't "

The smile of apologetic declination which had begun to form on Grant's lips was suddenly arrested. "Then your daughter is here?" he asked, with unaffected interest. "Yes, she is in fact a patroness of the library and sewing-circle, and takes the greatest interest in it. The Reverend Doctor Pilsbury relies upon her for everything. She runs the society, even to the training of the young ladies, sir.

The Reverend Doctor Pilsbury arose in a more decorous silence. He had listened approvingly, admiringly, he might say even reverently, to the preceding speaker. But although his distinguished friend had, with his usual modesty, made light of his own services and those of his charming family, he, the speaker, had not risen to sing his praises.

They were bound together by a disinterested and noble sentiment, and by sacrifices to the cause. The hostility aroused by Garrison, Phillips, Pilsbury, and a few like-minded associates, extended to many who went to no such extremes.

It's no more convenient for me to go down now than when they first came." There had been, and there was, a great deal of conversation down in the parlor, but it was carried on in such a low tone that, to her great regret, Miss Port could not catch a word of it. "Now," said Mrs. Pilsbury, "I must go home, for my husband will want his supper and the children must be attended to."

With sentiments of respect and esteem, I beg to remain, general, your obedient servant, JOHN H. PILSBURY, Deputy Supervising and Assistant Special Agent Treasury Department. Major General CARL SCHURZ, &c., &c., &c. No. 6. Augusta, Georgia, August 7, 1864.

"You must take me to the refreshment room now," she said pleasantly, "and help me to look after the young ladies who are my guests. I'm afraid there are still more speeches to come, and father and Mr. Pilsbury are looking as if they confidently expected something more would be 'expected' of them."

At Liverpool a former clerk to the Collector of Customs for Pembroke, Pilsbury by name, grew rich on them, whilst at Greenock, Shields and other north-country shipping centres they were for many years readily procurable of one Walter Gilly and his confederates, whose transactions in this kind of paper drove the Navy Board to desperation. They accordingly instructed Capt.

A strain from the new organ whose heart, however, had prematurely learned its own bitterness and a thin, clear, but somewhat shrill chanting from a choir of young ladies were followed by a prayer from the Reverend Mr. Pilsbury.