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The only labour necessary is to remove the upper layer of earth, the "overburden" as it is termed dig up the gravel, shake it out, and you have the concentrate from which a naked savage can pick the precious stones. They are precisely like the mines of German South-West Africa. So far no "pipes" have been discovered in the Kasai basin.

"I'm going after them," said Captain Rugley, with determination. "How?" "Somebody handed Vic this on the trail. He'll show us where. We'll try to pick up the man's traces. Of course it was one of the scoundrels handed the letter to Vic." "Who do ye think they are?" asked Sam, slowly. "I don't know," said the worried ranchman.

Returning I was forced into a byroad by the column, lost my way, took the wrong road out of the town, but managed in about a couple of hours to pick up the Signal Co., which by this time had reached the Chateau at Oleezy. There was little rest for us that night. Twice I had to run into Ham. The road was bad and full of miscellaneous transport.

He hoisted the two crates to the corner of the fence surrounding one of his brooding pens, and pretended to examine each box critically, while the girls waited in anxious silence for his word of approval. "Hm!" he said at last, trying to frown, and succeeding so well that both little faces paled with misgiving. "Just as I expected! You don't know how to pick strawberries.

He said to the ogress, "Show me the apple whose color gives eternal youth to the old man who smells it." "You are in the family of ogres," she said. "Cut a hair from the horse of their King. When you go into the garden cast this hair into the fire. You will find a tree, from which you must pick five fruits. When plucking them do not speak a word, and keep silence on your return.

An airplane is in no particular danger in the air if the motor stops provided it is in an open stretch of country with plenty of fields. Instinctively the pilot will nose down and glide, and on that glide he will find himself maintaining flying speed. He can turn and maneuver his machine, and pick out almost any field near at hand.

You had the first right to the room. I gave this girl Miss Gaines's old room. Her roommate is to be a freshman, too. She hasn't arrived yet. Miss Atkins decided to pick out her own room, I imagine. Evidently she took a fancy to yours. As soon as you girls had gone, she gave me one awful look, gathered up her belongings, and went to the other room without another word.

It's left for you and me to pick up the pieces and cement them together. I wonder if you ever heard about the bottle of stuff my grandfather gave your grandfather to bring home from from Turkey, I think it was. Our forebears were globe trotters in a day when to trot meant to make history." "I I've heard it," Sandy muttered, his eyes still fixed on his father's rigid face.

"I do not favor their leaving the ship," remarked Dr. Kelsey, the mate. "There seems to be plenty of field workers at the front, supplied by the governments whose troops are fighting." "Therefore," added Jones, "we men must assume the duty of driving the ambulances and bringing back the wounded we are able to pick up.

'We said "Our Father," me and Theo, she whispered innocently to the captain, as he sat by her little bed holding her hands, 'and He sent Geoff and Binks directly to pick us out of the water; and then Theo went off to sleep in the boat, and my new shoes is spoilt most dreadful! With Theo it was otherwise.