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The book which I have ventured to call a Creed or Catechism is the work of Sallustius About the Gods and the World, a book, I should say, about the length of the Scottish Shorter Catechism. It is printed in the third volume of Mullach's Fragmenta Philosophorum; apart from that, the only edition generally accessible and that is rare is a duodecimo published by Allatius in 1539.

When he came out, he said to me, 'Et hoc secundum sententiam philosophorum est esse beatus. BOSWELL. 'The philosophers, when they placed happiness in a cottage, supposed cleanliness and no smoke. JOHNSON. 'Sir, they did not think about either.

PHILOSOPHORUM PRINCIPES: 'in the first rank of philosophers'. PYTHAGORAN: neither the date of his birth nor that of his death can be determined; he 'flourished' about 530. He lived mostly in the Greek settlements of lower Italy, where his school existed for some centuries after his death.

Among others, the 'Turba Philosophorum' of the 'Good Trevisan, 'The Remonstance of Nature to the wandering Alchymist, by Jean de Meung; and several others of the best books: but, as I had no right' principles, I did not well know what course to follow. "At last I left my solitude; not to see my former acquaintances, the adepts and operators, but to frequent the society of true philosophers.

The life and trauailes of Pelagius borne in Wales. Pelagius Cambrius ex ea Britanniae parte oriundus, famati illius Collegij Bannochorensis a Cestria non procul, praepositus, erat, in quo Christianorum philosophorum duo millia ac centum, ad plebis in Christo commoditatem militabant, manuum suarum laboribus, iuxta Pauli doctrinam victitantes.

You remember what is said in the Imitation: 'Si scires totam Bibliam exterius et omnium philosophorum dicta, quid totum prodesset sine caritate Dei et gratia? Besides, it gives me a headache to read too steadily. I require exercise in the open air. Do you hunt or fish, Monsieur de Buxieres?" "Neither the one nor the other." "So much the worse for you.

SED ... ESSE: 'but we must con this lesson from our youth up'. For the passive sense of meditatum cf. n. on 4 adeptam. In Tusc. 1, 74 Cic., imitating Plato, says tota philosophorum vita commentatio mortis est. So Seneca, tota vita discendum est mori.

We are afraid the human mind does not readily come into this doctrine, this ultima ratio philosophorum, interpreted according to the letter. Our moral sentiments are made up of sympathies and antipathies, of sense and imagination, of understanding and prejudice.

You remember what is said in the Imitation: 'Si scires totam Bibliam exterius et omnium philosophorum dicta, quid totum prodesset sine caritate Dei et gratia? Besides, it gives me a headache to read too steadily. I require exercise in the open air. Do you hunt or fish, Monsieur de Buxieres?" "Neither the one nor the other." "So much the worse for you.