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No harm may come from wearing the pessary for a day or two, but it is highly desirable as a matter of cleanliness and otherwise to remove the pessary in the morning when performing the sexual toilet. The pessary should, of course, never be worn during the menstrual period.

The bride, who was greatly distressed, produced the pessary which she had purchased, and said she could not possibly use it; her fiancé, however, had been advised that she could, and ought to do so, hence the first serious dispute had arisen between them, clouding the future. She was told by her doctor that it was quite impossible for her, and this fully satisfied the future husband.

The specimen is in the Musee Dupoytren. Pinet mentions a pessary that remained in situ for twenty-five years. Gerould of Massilon, Ohio, reports a case in which a pessary had been worn by a German woman of eighty-four for more than fifty years. She had forgotten its existence until reminded of it by irritation some years before death.

A good rubber pessary should last from three to four months, and it should be tested occasionally by filling it with water to see that there is no hole in it. If it has been fitted shortly after a miscarriage or confinement, refitting is desirable at the end of a few months. But in normal circumstances refitting is not necessary. Two FORMS OF SUPPOSITORIES. ACTUAL SIZE.

She should also, before douching with weak disinfecting lotion, wash thoroughly internally and externally with suitable soap and water. This will certainly help to prevent infection in the vagina and elsewhere. The rubber pessary and the suppository will give her a very real measure of protection against the worst of all forms of infection, viz., uterine and ovarian.

It is quite easy for a woman to insert and remove these rubber pessaries for herself as occasion requires, provided that whilst inserting and removing the pessary she has placed her body in a suitable posture say, lying on the back with knees drawn up, sitting on bidet, or standing with one foot on a chair, or whatever other position she finds suitable.

There will be very little fear of conception with one of these new pessaries properly adjusted, as the rim will press equally all round. The inflated pessary would be the most perfect, however, if you could only contrive some method to prevent escape of air and consequent flattening. There are two ovaries and two Fallopian tubes, one on each side of the uterus.

But the arrangement of a runaway for outflowing lotion is inconvenient in most households. Quinine Pessaries, etc. By themselves these are unreliable, no matter what the makers claim on the label. There is usually not enough quinine in them; or if there is enough, it proves irritating. Solid-Ring Check Pessary.

Insert soluble suppository, and then place rubber pessary in position, concave side downwards. This will slip up more easily if slightly soaped. The pessary can be inserted some hours before intercourse, and need not be removed till some hours afterwards. The rubber pessary should not be worn continuously.

This method is commonly used by Continental women, but it is not entirely reliable by itself. Gold Spring Check Pessary. This is an instrument, the arms of which spread out inside the womb, and the gold spring keeps the mouth of the womb open, thus facilitating infection and conception. A woman can neither insert nor remove this instrument herself. Safe Period.