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Beginnin' now, rates for freight goes up. I've studied the law, and there hain't no way to pervent me. I kin charge what I want for freighting and what I want will be so much not a one of you kin do business.... And I'll put in groceries and what not, myself. Gittin' my freight free, I calc'late to under-sell you quite consid'able.... Kin we do business?" The enemy went into executive session.

Swift repentance seized him. "Naw, 'm," he said, with hurried propitiation. "I 'lowed ye did." "I didn't," said the old woman. "But ef I warter find it toothsome ter call ye 'Emily, I dun'no' how ye air goin' ter pervent it. Ye can't go gun-nin' fur me, like ye done fur the men at the mill, fur callin' ye 'Emily."

If you 'adn't staked me when I was stony broke three years ago, Davy, I'd be in the poor 'ouse now, I daresay. You saved the show for me and I'm properly grateful to you, even though you won't let me mention it. Next season Ruby will go out with the show, but I'm getting a new clown. That is, she'll go unless something important 'appens to pervent." He screwed up his eye very mysteriously.

And as to that other matter the flogging, you know, sir axing your pardon for speaking about it so plain, sir don't you trouble yourself about that. He sha'n't lay a hand upon you while me and my mates can pervent it shall he, mates?" "No, that he sha'n't, bo'," was the eager answer. "No, he sha'n't," coincided Dickinson.

"Canst tell me if 't is possible for me to get a letter into New York quickly?" "'T aint ez easy ez it wuz afore the soldiers come here fer they pervent the secret trade, but if yer apply tew Gin'ral Brereton, ez lodges with the paason, I calkerlate he kin send it in with a flag if he hez a mind tew" Mr. Meredith shook his head in discouragement.

An' it would have all worked out right in the end, an' will yet, if this new party that Radcliffe mentioned ain't Mr. Buttinsky, an' she don't foller the dictates of her art an' flirt with him too outrageous, or else marry him to spite herself, which is what I mean to pervent if I can, but which, of course, it may be I can't." "Frank," said Mrs.

"'T aint the proclamations ez duz the rale injoory," asserted Squire Hennion; "fer printed orders duz n't hurt nobody, but when the gin'ral sends a hull brigade of sogers ter pervent us sellin' our craps then I consarned ef it aint tyranny ez every freeman is baound ter resist, jest ez we did in '65 an' '74."