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We may glimpse it, but we never grasp it; what we grasp is always some substitute for it which previous human thinking has peptonized and cooked for our consumption. If so vulgar an expression were allowed us, we might say that wherever we find it, it has been already FAKED. This is what Mr. That is Mr. Schiller's belief about the sensible core of reality.

Flavia, always noticeably restless at dinner, was somewhat apathetic toward the advocate of peptonized chocolate and was plainly concerned about the sudden departure of M. Roux, who had announced that it would be necessary for him to leave tomorrow.

Some of us would be as helpless without a Bowdlerized generality or a platitude to sustain our minds as the invalid would be without his peptonized beef-tea. "Rachel is a good woman, a saint. Such a woman does not love in a hurry, but when she does she loves forever." What was that poem he and she had so often read together? Tennyson, wasn't it?

While the milk is digesting, take a small quantity of milk in a goblet, and stir in ten drops or more of vinegar. A thick curd of casein will be seen. Upon applying the same test to the digested milk, no curd will be made. This digested milk is therefore called "peptonized milk." Experiment 77. To show the action of bile. Obtain from the butcher some ox bile.

It is food so thoroughly peptonized that it is digested as soon as swallowed and leaves us exhilarated rather than fed. Writing was to him an art, and almost everything that he has written has a little the air of being a tour de force. Stevenson's books and essays were generally brilliant imitations of established things, done somewhat in the spirit of an expert in billiards.

The pepsin in the presence of the acid digests the casein, gradually dissolving it, forming a straw-colored fluid containing peptones. The peptonized milk has a peculiar odor and bitter taste. Experiment 70. To show the action of rennet on milk.

A college president has declared that there are more foot pounds of energy in a glass of peptonized milk than in something else, I forget what. All this is very fine. Yet somehow I feel out of it. My friends are failing me. They won't sit up after midnight. They have taken to sleeping out of doors, on porches and pergolas. Some, I understand, merely roost on plain wooden bars. They rise early.

But he must accomplish his end by strategy, since he had a wholesome terror of plundering infants by force. Once, in a park, driven by hunger, he had committed an onslaught upon a bottle of peptonized infant's food in the possession of an occupant of a baby carriage.