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He told of Ralph's predicament, and the clown sympathized; he narrated the quest which had brought him forth, and of his heretofore unrewarded labors; concluded with naming the ensuing Monday as the day of the youth's trial, when, if nothing in the meantime could be discovered of the true criminal for the pedler never for a moment doubted that Ralph was innocent he "mortally feared things would go agin him."

"So then you didn't cut your throat in the Hollow Oak, after all?" said I. "Nor likely to either, master," he answered, shaking his head. "Lord love your eyes and limbs, no!" "But," said I, "some day or so ago I met a man " "Ah!" nodded the Tinker, "to be sure you did." "A pedler of brooms, and ribands " "'Gabbing' Dick!" nodded the Tinker. "Who told me very seriously "

Their minds seemed to have been trained in more philosophical directions than any I had met. Here I had some new insights which helped me forward, and I heard much of the worthlessness of religious dogmas. It was, however, with a tin pedler, a friend and distant relative of this family, that I turned the newest leaf in my mental progress.

It was a week before his school was to begin, but in that week he became convinced that his friend was not a merchant, and to get that first month's rent he would have to run the store himself. So he put the disciple of Bacchus on the slide, and started in alone. Stewart had a little inconvenient pride which prevented his turning pedler.

From the steep street on the other side of the wall rose the thin voice of a girl, singing a song of the mountains, with a sad note of ancient woe, and farther away in the city sounded the hoarse call of a pedler.... This was not the Rome of the antiquary, not the tawdry Rome of the tourist. It was the Rome of sunshine and color and music, the Rome of joy, of youth!

But, checking himself, he took up his bonnet and made for the door. "Don't look at me like that," Angus called after him, "or, maybe I'll clash the door in thy face." Wilson had gone by this time, and turning to his sons, Angus continued, "Did you see how the waistrel snirpt up his nose when the pedler said Cromwell was dead?"

And when their wool is burnt away Their garments gay, I mean Then this same whip they'll feel, I say, Upon their naked skin." The probability seems to be that, besides collecting from all sources known to him, the pedler had hired an able artist for the production of original poems of commination.

Holgrave had been by turns a schoolmaster, clerk in a store, editor, pedler, lecturer on Mesmerism, and daguerreotypist, but "amid all these personal vicissitudes," says Hawthorne, "he had never lost his identity.... He had never violated the innermost man, but had carried his conscience along with him."

Billy was married to a woman who must have had some attractiveness, for a journeying pedler, who periodically passed through the region, formed a liaison with her. There was at that time a daughter, who had just reached marriageable age. The pedler was wont practically to put Billy out of his own house during his sojourns, and usurped his place as master of the household.

He now proceeded to look at the pedler; and seeing his condition, though much wondering at his falling so readily into his own temptation never dreaming of the mistake which he had made he did not waste time to rouse him up, as he plainly saw he could get no further service out of him.