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She ran to the house to apprise Agnella and they both ran rapidly toward the stream from which the cries for help seemed to come. On approaching, they saw with surprise and alarm that Violette and Ourson were lying on the ground in a state of unconsciousness. Passerose placed her hand on Violette's heart and felt it still beating.

"Dear Violette, I will always love you. I will never forget that you are the only child who was ever willing to speak to me, touch me or embrace me." A short time after they arrived at the farm. Agnella and Passerose were seated at the door, talking together. When they saw Ourson arrive holding a little girl richly dressed by the hand, they were so surprised that neither could utter a word.

She had scarcely uttered these words when the brave Ourson sprang towards the burning house and notwithstanding the tears and supplications of Agnella, Violette and Passerose, disappeared in the flames exclaiming: "You shall have the casket, mother, or I will perish with it!" A horrible silence followed this act of Ourson.

He soon found the path to the farm and they arrived some moments before Agnella and Passerose awoke. They agreed to conceal from Agnella the dangers to which they had been exposed, to spare her anguish and disquietude for the future. Passerose alone was made the confidant of their dangerous adventures. Ourson now forbade Violette to go alone in the forest.

She said to him: "We will always walk with each other. You must always play with Violette." "I cannot always play, little girl. I have to help mamma and Passerose to work." "What sort of work, Ourson?" "To sweep, scour, take care of the cow, cut the grass and bring wood and water." "Violette will work with Ourson." "You are too little, dear Violette, but still you can try."

She remained with them and took care of their children to whom she often recounted the adventures of Ourson and Violette. She still remains, it is said, though the genius and his queen have made her many excuses for not having carried her off in the whirlwind. "No, no," Passerose replied to all these explanations; "let us remain as we are. You forgot me once you might forget me another time.

Agnella then recounted all that had taken place and that she would have a son with a skin like a bear. At this narrative Passerose wept as bitterly as her mistress. "What a misfortune!" she exclaimed. "What degradation and shame, that the heir of a great kingdom should be a bear! What will King Ferocious, your husband, say if he should ever discover us?" "And how will he ever find us, Passerose?

Agnella ascertained at the same moment that Ourson was still living. She directed Passerose to take Violette home, undress her and put her to bed while she endeavored to restore consciousness to Ourson with salts and other restoratives before conducting him to the farm.

Your mother having prevented him from killing his brother Indolent and his sister-in-law Nonchalante, he turned his rage against her. I was her protectress, and carried her off with her faithful Passerose in a cloud. "And you, Princess Violette, your birth is equal to that of Prince Marvellous.

"Where shall we lay her?" said Agnella. "I have no bed for her." "Give her mine, dear mamma," said Ourson; "I can sleep quite as well in the stable." Agnella and Passerose at first refused but Ourson insisted so much upon being allowed to make this little sacrifice, that they at last consented.