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For my part I stood amaz'd, and assur'd them, that neither Gito, a bashful lad, was able for the drudgery, nor the girl of years to receive it. "Ita," inquit Quartilla, "minor eat ista quam ego fui, quum primum virum passa sum? Iunonem meam iratam habeam, si umquam me meminerim virginem fuisse.

On the way back we passed a Battalion of Alpini marching up, many of them very young. I thought of the Duke of Aosta's latest message to the undefeated Third Army: "A voi veterani del Carso, ed a voi, giovani soldati, fioritura della perenne primavera italica." Splendid Alpini! They are never false to their regimental motto, "di quì non si passa!" They never fail.

I was the first that brought in the order of passing into the court which I deriued from the common word Qui passa, and the heralds phrase of armes Passant, thinking in sincerity, hee was not a Gentleman, nor his armes currant, who was not first past by the pages.

Non ragioniam di lui, ma guarda e passa. Apart from their truculence, the early numbers of the Edinburgh and Quarterly are memorable for two reasons in the history of English literature. They mark the downfall of the absolute standard assumed by Johnson and others to hold good in criticism.

And she stood before an ironing board which rested on the windowsill and the table, and was ironing with a charcoal flat-iron. She put the iron down on the rest, gave me her firm, warm hand, and said, "Bom dia, senhor doutor! Passa bem?" and her eye seemed to beam more cordially than ever, and yet could not express more cordiality than it had expressed before.

The refrain, in the original Gascon, is as follows: "Las carreros diouyon flouri, Tan belo nobio bay sourti; Diouyon flouri, diouyon graua, Tan belo nobio bay passa!" In Gascon: "Las carreros diouyon gemi, Tan belo morto bay sourti! Diouyon gemi, diouyon ploura, Tan belo morto bay passa!" in Gascon: "Jour per aoutres, toutjour! et per jou, malhurouzo, Toutjour ney, toutjour ney!

"Allora fama e paura di si buono reggimento, passa in ogni terra." "Vita di Cola di Rienzi", lib. i. cap. 21. "Then the fame and the fear of that so good government passed into every land." "Life of Cola di Rienzi". The thread of my story transports us back to Rome.

"Di varii fiori ad on gran monte passa Ch'ebbe gi

Call it "pastoral" landscape, "guarda e passa," and then you have, lastly, the pure, wholesome, simple, modern landscape. You want a name for that: I will give you one in a moment; for the whole character and power of that landscape is originally based on the work of one man. Joseph Mallord William Turner was born in Maiden Lane, London, about eighty years ago.

The bitterest words in Dante are not bitter enough to render my feeling: "Non ragioniam di lor ma guarda e passa." The whole scene had sickened me. Hatred masquerading as justice, striking vindictively and adding insult to injury. The vile picture had its fit setting outside.