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The woman understood at last; and by degrees her letters became as calm as his suffused, however, with a tenderness and feeling which showed that in her heart of hearts she was still entirely given to him. After some years Abelard left his dwelling at the Paraclete, and there was founded there a religious house of which Heloise became the abbess.

Even then we should be left to wonder why he placed all the wounds in a single line; for that church has no transept, no arms at the end of which the holes in the hands may be symbolized by doors, which is the usual course." "And the cathedral at Antwerp, which has two more aisles?" "They no doubt typify the seven avenues, the seven gifts of the Paraclete.

He is the son of a queer man, and is something of a humorist himself. I have seen one of his sons. He has two. One's name is Paraclete, and the other Preserved. His daughter is pretty, very, and her name is Deliverance. They call her Del, for short. They do, on my word! Worse than Delphine, is it not?" "Why, don't you like my name?" stammered I, with astonishment. "Yes, very well.

This incident of the dove, together with the mournful truth of this melancholy observation, filled every eye with tears, except those of her father, who now exhibited a spirit of calm obedience to what he considered an affliction that called upon him to act as one whose faith was not the theory of a historic Christian. "But how," added Jane, "can I be unhappy with the Paraclete in my bosom?

They have suggested in the margin of the Revised Versionadvocate” “helperand a simple transference of the Greek word into English, “Paraclete.” The word translatedComfortermeans literally, “one called to another’s side,” the idea being, one right at hand to take another’s part.

The stones of their tomb in the great cemetery of Pere Lachaise were brought from the ruins of the Paraclete, and above the sarcophagus are two recumbent figures, the whole being the work of the artist Alexandra Lenoir, who died in 1836. The figure representing Heloise is not, however, an authentic likeness.

Why do not you come?" "Well, I am engaged too," said Lothair. "I have settled to go to the Tombs of the Kings to-day, with Signor Paraclete, and I cannot well get off; but remember the letters." The box of letters arrived at Lothair's rooms in due season, and their perusal deeply interested him.

Although this oratory had been founded in honour of the Holy Trinity, and afterwards dedicated thereto, I now named it the Paraclete, mindful of how I had come there a fugitive and in despair, and had breathed into my soul something of the miracle of divine consolation.

Its extent is nearly 100 acres; all that trees, shrubs, plants, and flowers can avail towards embellishing a spot, has been effected; the sculptor's hand has also been contributed in a most eminent degree, and fancy seems to have exhausted her caprices in conceptions of forms and fashions with regard to the monuments here assembled, and some are as highly picturesque as can be well imagined; others are grand and imposing, whilst a few there are, whose simplicity render them the most interesting, so much is there in association that perhaps none is more touching than that of Abelard and Heloïse; it is formed of stones gathered from the ruins of the Abbey of Paraclete, founded by Abelard, of which Heloïse was the first abbess.

Why did he ever leave Palestine and Paraclete? He should have remained in Syria forever, cherishing, in a hallowed scene, a hallowed sorrow, of which even the bitterness was exalted and ennobling. He stood for a moment in the great hall at Crecy House, and the groom of the chambers in vain solicited his attention.