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He did not miss it for more than an hour: on returning to the shop, he found the old lady gone, and concluded at first, that she had absented herself to avoid interrogation; but to his surprise, he was accosted immediately on entering, by a pretty young girl, who had come in her place, with the sweetest smile imaginable, "Monsieur, a oubliè sa bourse que nous sommes heureuses de la lui rendre."

La longueur un peu desordonnee de cette lettre, mon cher ami, vous prouvera mieux que tout ce que je pourrais dire les progres de ma sante. Je vais ecrire a Mme Grote. Rappelez-nous, je vous prie, tout particulierement au souvenir de Lady Theresa et de Sir C. Lewis. J'espere que Lord Hatherton ne m'a pas oublie. Mille et mille amities a tous les Senior.

The renovating effects of joy and the influence of the imagination were never more strongly displayed. "Le malheur passe n'est bon qu'a etre oublie," was la comtesse's favourite maxim and to do her justice, she was as ready to forget past quarrels as past misfortunes.

Victorine had her music lesson, and I don't know what could have upset her; but "the Tug," who always sits in the room with her, came flying out, saying Victorine was faint and she must get her a glass of water; so I ran into the salle d'étude to see if I could help her. There she was flopping on the music-stool, with Monsieur Dubois kneeling by her, looking cross and reproachful, and just like the villain in the pantomimes. I heard her say, "Cela doit être complètement oublié entre nous