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But it meant nothing to Laurie Shafton seeking a hotel in a fashionable resort. And when he finally got his number it was only Opal's maid who answered. "Yes, Mrs. Verrons was up. She was out walking on the beach with a gentleman. No, it was not Mr. Emerson, nor yet Mr. McMarter. Neither of those gentlemen had arrived. No, it was not Mr. Verrons.

"Help me, help me!" she gasped; as Elfgiva swooped upon both of them, her streaming hair taking on a resemblance to bristling fur, her eyes showing more of opal's fire than of heaven's blue. "Come not betwixt, or I will treat you in a like manner," the mistress panted. "Do you understand the evil she has wrought?

I wonder whether they think we're going back frightened by all their tom-tomming. We'll show them presently that we've got some chaps aboard which will bark not a little louder and do a precious deal more harm," exclaimed Ben Snatchblock, who accompanied Mr Mildmay in one of the Opal's boats. That young officer took things very coolly.

In one week, only one week more, he must take upon his shoulders the burdens of a kingdom. Should he let a mistaken sense of right and duty defraud him a second time? Was this barrier which a stronger or a weaker man would have brushed aside without a second thought to wreck his life, and Opal's? He laughed exultingly. His whole soul was on fire, his whole body aflame.

Higher up, where the water had not reached, the machines had been stored along with other treasures. But Opal's best had been water-logged. And the trip that Odin had made with Wolden into the tunnel. That was the most heart-breaking of all. The Brons and the Neeblings had saved the treasures from the warring civilizations of the world above. The statues could be preserved.

"Not if it is your birthstone," announced A.O., calmly turning her hand to watch the flashing of red and blue lights in the heart of the gem. "It's bad luck not to wear one if you were born in October. It says on the card that came in the box with this: "'October's child is born for woe And life's vicissitudes must know, Unless she wears the opal's charm To ward off every care and harm.

Thus the ring fitted her well, and the lustrous flame within the opal thrilled his heart each time he saw it. For now June was near its end; and that other plain gold ring, which, for safe keeping, he cherished suspended round his neck day and night, seemed to burn with an inward glow that was deeper than the opal's. So in due course arrived the second of July.

"Now, take a deep breath, Nors-King, for the air gets worse before it gets better." He was right. The stench of dead things came crawling upward to meet them. Soon the floor was littered with the things from Opal's sea that had crept here to die. Huge, fanged saurians, lizards, toads, snakes.

Try as he would, he could not catch Opal's eye again, nor secure more than the most meagre replies even to his direct questions. She was too French to be actually impolite, but she interposed between them those barriers only a woman can raise.

Verdayne was pained grieved to the heart at the terrible significance of this if it were true. And there was little reason, alas, to doubt it! How closely their lives were woven together Paul's and Opal's! How merciless seemed the demands of destiny! What a juggler of souls Fate was! And the month of August passed away.