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That here a flower has to be formed, there a fruit, there a leaf, or a bit of wood, and so on: and that a mysterious intelligence the same that we have found everywhere else presides over all these varied constructions, the materials for which are mixed together pell-mell, in the imperceptible thread of sap which oozes from the leaf to the bark?

That which has attracted your attention the Sapota achras is especially well known. It is considered the most wholesome of all the tropical fruits; and from the trunk of the tree oozes out the white gum called chicle, which the inhabitants of the Terre-Chaude and the Terre-Tempérée are so fond of chewing."

We do not talk about impossibilities. We do not propose a medicine about which we have to say that it will "kill or cure." For this balm that oozes from the tree of heaven will inevitably cure. I remark that this coming time of municipal elevation will be a time of financial prosperity.

And thus, to assist us in making pap for the blood, Providence has furnished us with a number of small spongy organs within the mouth, which are always filled with water. These are called salivary glands. This water oozes out from them of itself, on the least movement of the jaw, which presses upon the sponges as it goes up and down. The name of this water, as I need scarcely tell you, is saliva.

"We cut a hole in the bark, and, when the yellow gum oozes out, we boil it down thick, till it is dark colored. Then we mix it with chalk and sulphur; and behold, afterwards we roll out your automobile tire," explained the wise Padre. "Could you pull the rubber tree out as high as the stars, and would it snap back again?" asked joking Moro. "Stop your joking," replied Fil's mother.

So they just go and hang quietly on to the other bees, and there they remain for twenty-four hours, during which time they digest the honey they have gathered, and part of it forms wax and oozes out from the scales under their body. Then they are prepared to join the others at work and plaster wax on to the hive. Week 26

The courage for retaliation oozed out of him as mud oozes into a river. They lengthened the thong that tied his ankles together, giving him room for a full walking step but not enough to leap or run. They put on his hands a pair of awkward mittens that had been stiffened by mud and water, and lashed them to his wrists.

Mine is scarcely the proper hand to pour the rich stream of your possessions into his empty coffers." "I am well aware of the tie that binds your sister and Mr. Darrington." "Since when have you known it?" "No prison walls are sufficiently thick to turn the stream of gossip; it trickles, oozes through all barriers.

"What's your name?" Scattergood asked. "Pansy O'Toole.... You're Scattergood Baines that's why I'm here.... I don't eat with every man that oozes out of the woods." Scattergood said nothing. It was a fixed principle of his to let other folks do the talking if they would. If not he talked himself deviously.

Isolated plants cling to ropes, which become garlanded with thickened slime, from which evil-smelling mud oozes. Offensive to man afloat and ashore, the "blanket weed" is a luxury to mullet and garfish, for during its period both may be seen in shoals skimming the surface of the sea in abandonment of habitual shyness, and the stomachs of both are found to be full of the greenish-grey slime.