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"He dare not do that, and you know it full well, Solan," contradicted the black. "Too great a power of life and death you hold over the people of Kadabra for Salensus Oll ever to risk threatening you with death. Before ever his minions could lay their hands upon you, you might seize this very lever from which you have just warned me and wipe out the entire city."

Time cures all troubles, and in time "A" Company was pushed and pulled back into line again. The incident pleased Major Pinto as it wasted the fleeting minutes and gave him a chance to give the only other order of which he was sure. "That was oll wrong," said he. "We will now, however, oll advance as 'A' Company did. The arder will be 'Battalion will advance.

Sorav, Talu had told us, was the commander of the forces of the palace, and as men from the further cities of Okar and especially Illall were less likely to be tainted with the germ of intrigue which had for years infected the household of Salensus Oll, he was sure that we would be welcomed and few questions asked us.

I shouted; and before the astonished yellow man whose misfortune it was to be at the fighting end of the line at that particular moment could gather his wits together my sword had decapitated him, and I was rushing like a mad bull down upon those behind him. "Way for the Prince of Helium!" I shouted as I cut a path through the astonished guardsmen of Salensus Oll.

"We are waiting for you to move off, Captain Rozario," stated Colonel Dearman. "Sir, how can I move off with oll the rest in my front?" inquired Captain Rozario reasonably. "Form fours, right, and quick march," prompted the Sergeant-Major, and Captain Rozario shrilled forth: "Form right fours and march quick," at the top of his voice.

"Nobles of Okar, unsheathe your swords and do homage to Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium and future Queen of Okar, for at the end of the allotted ten days she shall become the wife of Salensus Oll."

When the last of them came bounding into the sty, Hodge approached, quite breathless and exhausted: "Oh, measter," he exclaimed, "these be not Hirish pigs at oll, they be Hirish devils; and yau mun ha' bought 'em fra a cunning mon!" "Hodge," replied his master, "I'se be bit I'se heard feather talk about un.

"I, Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium, am his. He fought for me and won me. If you be a brave man you will honor the bravery that is his, and you will not kill him. Make him a slave if you will, Salensus Oll; but spare his life. I would rather be a slave with such as he than be Queen of Okar." "Neither slave nor queen dictates to Salensus Oll," replied the Jeddak of Jeddaks.

I was beyond and overheard their conversation, and when I entered, the woman screamed and the man sprang upon me and would have killed me. "What know you of this man? He is a stranger to you, and I dare say that you will find him an enemy and a spy. Let him be put on trial, Salensus Oll, rather than your friend and guest, Thurid, Dator of the First Born." Salensus Oll looked puzzled.

Instantly I crossed the small chamber, and, parting the curtains, looked within the larger apartment. Before me were a party of perhaps fifty gorgeously clad nobles of the court, standing before a throne upon which sat Salensus Oll. The Jeddak of Jeddaks was addressing them.