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Furthermore, I will go so far as to remark, Veev la Liberty veev it good and strong. Whenever you hear of a Clancy obstructin' the abolishment of existin' governments you may notify me by return mail. "'The senor is good, says the dark, fat man, smilin' under his black mustache. 'Wish you to come aboard my ship and drink of wine a glass.

"That party is charged with an offence against the Defence of the Realm Act," said the policeman, "with being, although a civilian, in possession of a flying machine, and er obstructin' 'Is Majesty's enemies in the performance of their dooty." "Oh deah, deah," said Richard. "Deah, deah, deah...." "Do either of you know the present whereabouts of the party?" persisted the policeman.

But now that I'm on this bluff about what happened to-day, I've got to work it to a finish. I'm goin' to sue Gid for obstructin' the ro'd and smashin' Nute's wagon, and then jumpin' out and leavin' me to be run away with.

"You'll 'ave to come to shore now," said the policeman, in the tone of one exhausted by long argument. "'Ere's some more parties wanting to cross." He turned to Richard. "Look 'ere, mate," he said. "I'm 'ere in the discharge of my dooty, and this ferryman is obstructin' me." "Deah, deah," said Richard.

"But ye'd better not take any more cat-naps. Go on with ye, ye wild Irishman; ye're obstructin' the traffic." For twenty miles below Ten Mile Gallagher sat on his box like a man refreshed. Then the devil of sleep postponed beset him again. Once more the fireman was asleep on the coal, and to the little Irishman's bombardment of wrenches and other missiles he returned only sodden groans.

'T wouldn't never do for that man" he nodded at his rival "or any of them boys to get standin' there, obstructin' of the traffic." "I wanted to ask you, Mr. Creed, is there anything to be done for Mrs. Hughs?" The frail old body quivered with the vindictive force of his answer.

You're obstructin' some good men an' scarin' some good hosses an' mules. Then he'll go right away." Despite their jesting they pitched the camp for that critical night with the greatest care, making sure that they had the most sheltered place in the canyon, and ranging the horses and mules almost by the side of them.

"To think o' the perversity o' that Dutchman obstructin' a right o' way, especially on sich a busy day, wi' his muckle unmannerly carcase, as if he had been a Highland cattle beast. Dod! he would make a grand Covenanter for the cursed thrawnness o' him."

Stillwell recovered his dignity as soon as he caught his breath, and he advanced with a rueful face. "Wal, boys, it's on Bill," he said. "I'm a livin' proof of the pig-headedness of mankind. Ed, you win. You're captain of the team. You hit straight, an' if I hadn't been obstructin' the general atmosphere that ball would sure have gone clear to the Chiricahuas."