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No, no, I'm better here, and I'm a wise man, although I say it myself." "Well, perhaps you are, McShane; but still I do not like that I should be spending your money in this way without your having your share of it at least." "My share of it now, O'Donahue, suppose I had come over here on my own account, where should I have been?

"Why, let me see; it was about the time you went away with Captain O'Donahue, I think, or a little before that was in October." McShane turned over the file of newspapers, and after a quarter of an hour's search found the report of the coroner's inquest. "Here it is, my dear, sure enough," said McShane.

Our readers will not perhaps be displeased if we introduce Captain O'Donahue more particularly to their notice: we shall therefore devote this chapter to giving some account of his birth, parentage, and subsequent career. If the father of Captain O'Donahue was to be believed, the race of the O'Donahues were kings in Ireland long before the O'Connors were ever heard of.

One of this diminutive race now entered the room, dressed in a Turkish costume; he was remarkably well made and handsome in person; he spoke sufficient French to inquire if he addressed himself to Captain O'Donahue; and on being replied to in the affirmative, he gave him a small billet, and then seated himself on the sofa with all the freedom of a petted menial.

The documents were never laid before us, and we have only the positive assertion of the Squireen O'Donahue, who asserted not only that they were kings in Ireland before the O'Connors, whose pretensions to ancestry he treated with contempt, but further, that they were renowned for their strength, and were famous for using the longest bows in battle that were ever known or heard of.

"Exactly; that will leave it an open question, as the saying is," replied McShane. The next day O'Donahue, in his uniform, drove to the ambassador's hotel, to accompany him to the Annishkoff palace, where he was to be presented to the emperor.

O'Donahue's equipage was always at her door, and it was expected that the marriage would immediately take place, when O'Donahue attended a levee given by the emperor on the Feast of Saint Nicholas.

"By the head of Saint Patrick, but that was an escape!" "Yes, indeed, the she-devil with six children, and 80 pounds a year; it's a wicked world this, O'Donahue. Well, I kept clear of such cunning articles, and only looked after youth and innocence in the city.

"Nor I either," said Frank, "and I could wish my countrymen to choose none other than O'Donahue. With respect to England and Bishop Sharpe . . ." At that moment a voice sounded close by me: "Coach, your honour, coach? Will carry you anywhere you like." I stopped, and lo the man of the greatcoat and glazed hat stood by my side.

"And you've a good pair of legs." "So I'm told every day of my life. I'll make the best use of them when I start; but it's the starting I don't like, and that's the real truth." The reader may be surprised at the indifference shown by Patrick at the intelligence communicated by his father; but the fact was, Mr Patrick O'Donahue was very deep in love.