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Then, opening her beautiful eyes, she gazed upon the young man with the air of a person just awaking from a dream. "It is I," faltered the distracted young man. "Norbert de Champdoce. But forgive me, and tell me if you are in pain?" Pity came over the wounded girl. She gently drew herself away from the arm that encircled her, and said softly,

Among his followers in the House were Louis Hippolyte LaFontaine, destined to become, ten years later, the colleague of Robert Baldwin in the LaFontaine-Baldwin administration, and Augustin Norbert Morin, the colleague of Francis Hincks in the Hincks-Morin administration of 1851.

Had not the inexorable old man once said, "You will marry a woman of wealth?" But in the event of this matter being brought up, Norbert swore that he would no longer be obedient, but would resist to the last; and he calculated on receiving assistance from Daumon.

He could not know THIS! It must be the Beaver Beach scandal. It must be. It could not be THIS not yet! But it MIGHT be. How many knew? Louden, Norbert, Ariel who else? And again the deer took on the strange zebra look.

To-morrow you will take twenty-five sacks of wheat to the miller at Bevron." Like all tyrannical despots, the Duke never contemplated for a moment the possibility of any one disobeying his commands; yet at this very moment Norbert was registering a solemn mental oath that he would never carry out his father's wishes.

"Pardon, father; pardon," cried Norbert, falling upon his knees. The Duke softly stretched out his hand. "I was mad with family pride," said he; "and God punished me. My son, I forgive you." Norbert's sobs broke the stillness of the chamber. "My son, I renounce my ideas," continued the Duke. "I do not desire you to wed Mademoiselle de Puymandour if you feel that you cannot love her."

Norbert seemed so incensed at this that Montlouis broke off his recital, feeling confident that the Marquis still loved Diana, and was consumed with the flame of jealousy. "But, of course," he added carelessly, "nothing is yet settled."

"Catenac," remarked Mascarin in his bitterly sarcastic tone, "is best able to pronounce upon the truth or falsehood of this narrative, as he is the professional adviser of this same Duke de Champdoce, the very Norbert whose life has just been read to you." "I do not deny that there is some slight foundation to it," returned the lawyer. "Then what is it that you do deny?"

"Yes, I see it all; Norbert may give in, he may marry another woman, and I shall be left alone, with my reputation gone, and the scorn and scoff of all the neighborhood." "But, mademoiselle, you still have " "All I have left is life, and that life I would gladly give for vengeance."

During this time an attempt had been made through Father Norbert to ascertain what had become of the corpses of the two Barons and their followers, and it had appeared that the Count had carried them all off from the inn, no doubt to adorn his castle with their limbs, or to present them to the Emperor in evidence of his zeal for order.