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She took up the oil lamp that stood upon her writing table. "This is whale oil a nauseous smelling compound. Rub his neck and chest well with it." Alice sought the nursery and followed Aunt Ella's directions. She was sitting by the crib watching her child's laboured breathing when her aunt returned. "Harry is going on horseback. He knows the road to Ketchley and where the Doctor lives.

"Well, my pretty!" exclaimed a big leering Cossack, chucking the trembling girl beneath the chin. "Hold!" I commanded the half-dozen men who now stood before us, their swords red with the life-blood of the Revolution. But before I could utter further word the poor girl was wrenched from my grasp, and the Cossack was smothering her face with his hot, nauseous kisses. "Hold, I tell you!" I shouted.

Their stomachs revolted against the trash; it became so nauseous to them that they could not force it down, even when famishing, and they died of starvation with the chunks of the so-called bread under their head. I found myself rapidly approaching this condition. I had been blessed with a good digestion and a talent for sleeping under the most discouraging circumstances.

Beef juice is more palatable with a little very brown toast. Remember, that an invalid hardly ever likes any food made sweet. No matter what the taste may be in health, in sickness, sweet things are nauseous; for this reason ice cream bought at confectioners' is often rejected.

Meanwhile the blockade went on, enlivened by privations of every kind, short rations of water, yellow fever, and so forth. Our water was brought from Havana; it came in barrels, and was frequently black and nauseous when it came out of them. Yellow fever stalked abroad.

And what can influence or govern these actions of the gland, but its associations or catenations with other sensitive motions? Nor is this more extraordinary, than that the catenations of irritative motions with the apparent vibrations of objects at sea should produce sickness of the stomach; or that a nauseous story should occasion vomiting.

I swallowed the liquid eagerly, hot and nauseous as it was, full, I suspect, of living creatures; but it tasted like nectar, and I half emptied the bottle at a draught. "Now I am ready for the venison!" cried Harry. "So am I, indeed," said Hans; "for we haven't had anything to eat once we left you, and are well-nigh dying of starvation."

In time I became more accustomed to the sun upon this heaving void; less frightened, as a child is frightened, by the mere picture. And I have still the impression that, as hour followed hour since the falling of the wind, the nauseous swell in part subsided. I seemed less often on an eminence or in a pit; my glassy azure dales had gentler slopes, or a distemper was melting from my eyes.

Had I been upon deck and free, I am certain I should not have been half so frightened at that storm. To increase my misery, the sea-sickness had returned upon me, for this is usually the case with those who go to sea on a first voyage. A great storm encountered brings a return of the nauseous malady, often as disagreeably vigorous as that experienced during the first twenty-four hours at sea.

Sir Thomas, who only just remembered the appearance of the man in the House, at once took an extravagant dislike to him. It was abominable to him to be called Underwood by a man who did not know him. It was nauseous to him to be forced into close relations with a man who seemed to him to be rough and ill-mannered. And, judging from what he saw, he gave his colleague credit for no good qualities.