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II. The Origin and Development of Prostitution: The Definition of Prostitution Prostitution Among Savages The Conditions Under Which Professional Prostitution Arises Sacred Prostitution The Rite of Mylitta The Practice of Prostitution to Obtain a Marriage Portion The Rise of Secular Prostitution in Greece Prostitution in the East India, China, Japan, etc.

And he replied: "It must be admitted nevertheless that these signs are obscure. But while I study them I forget Balkis, and that is a great boon." And among truths most useful to know, the mage taught that the stars are fixed like nails in the arch of the sky, and that there are five planets, namely: Bel, Merodach, and Nebo, which are male, while Sin and Mylitta are female.

When the Passover had come and gone, Sephôrah detected that Mary had ceased to be a child; and of the gods and goddesses with whose adventures she was wont to entertain her, gradually she confined herself to Mylitta; and in describing the wonderlands which she knew so well, she spoke now only of Babylon, where the great tower was, and the gardens that hung in the air.

The frequent references to the service of the 'groves' surrounding the temple irresistibly suggest their likeness to the groves around the temples of Mylitta, and their use for the same purpose. There is no necessity to prolong the subject, nor is it necessary to my purpose to discuss the origin of phallic worship.

But as Goddess of Birth she retained only a pale reflection of her original cosmic character, and her functions were gradually specialized. Cf. Poebel, op. cit., p. 33. It is possible that, under one of her later synonyms, we should identify her, as Dr. Poebel suggests, with the Mylitta of Herodotus.

That is the temple of the goddess of Sardis, Cybele or Ma, as they call her. In that grove there is many a sheltered spot where the young people of Sardis meet, as they say, in honor of their goddess." "Just as in Babylon, at the festival of Mylitta." "There is the same custom too on the coast of Cyprus.

They sought refuge in the heaven of Anu, sovereign of the upper realms. As hounds draw in their tails, they seated themselves on their thrones, and to them Mylitta, the great goddess, spake: ‘The world has turned from me, and ruin I have proclaimed.’ She wept, and the gods on their thrones wept with her.

Thus at Babylon every woman, whether rich or poor, had once in her life to submit to the embraces of a stranger at the temple of Mylitta, that is, of Ishtar or Astarte, and to dedicate to the goddess the wages earned by this sanctified harlotry. The sacred precinct was crowded with women waiting to observe the custom. Some of them had to wait there for years.

It may be added that the rite of Mylitta thus became analogous with another Mediterranean rite, in which the act of simulating intercourse with the representative of a god, or his image, ensured a woman's fertility. XLVI; and see Dulaure, Des Divinités Génératrices, Ch. II; cf. vol. v of these Studies, "Erotic Symbolism," Sect.

In addition to the Atlas moth and the Mylitta, there are many other Bombycidæ; in Ceylon; and, though the silk of some of them, were it susceptible of being unwound from the cocoon, would not bear a comparison with that of the Bombyx mori, or even of the Tusseh moth, it might still prove to be valuable when carded and spun.