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"Here," his fingers touched the small hollow at the base of Dane's throat and then swung him around and indicated two places on the back of his neck and under his shoulder blades. "Kosti and Mura both have red eruptions here. It's as if they have been given an injection of some narcotic." Tau sat down on the jump seat while Dane dressed. "Kosti was dirt-side he might have picked up something "

The song she had chosen was a fine setting of some words selected from Leopardi's grand Ode to Italy: "O patria mia, vedo le mura c gli archi E le colonne e i simula-cri e l'erme Torridegli avi nostri" This was recitative: then followed "Ma la gloria non vedo" a mournful melody, a rhythmic plaint.

Having slain the Earth's son, Naraka, and also Mura, and having recovered those jewelled ear-rings, the learned Krishna of unparalleled prowess came back, adorned with beauty and undying fame.

As a semi-invalid he had been herded down with his fellows to swallow the builder Mura had concocted and Tau insisted that they take, but he had been doing a half a night's work on the plotter under his chief's exacting eye before he came. "The latest news is that, barring accident, we can make it with about three weeks' grace, give or take a day or two "

Jellico's cabin was papered with tri-dee pictures of the rare animals and alien creatures he had studied in their native haunts or of which he kept careful and painstaking records. Tau had his magic, Mura not only his plants but the delicate miniature landscapes he fashioned, to be imprisoned forever in the hearts of protecting plasta balls.

But a moment later Sinbad streaked in from the corridor and committed the unpardonable sin of leaping to the table top just before Mura who had taken the flask from Dane. He miaowed plaintively and clawed at the steward's cuff. Mura stoppered the flask and put the cat down on the floor. "What is it?" Jellico wanted to know.

Once he got a good way down the corridor before Dane was able to corner and return him to keeping. Dane, Ali and Weeks took on the full care of the four sick men, leaving the few regular duties of the ship to the senior officers, while Rip was installed in charge of the hydro garden. Mura, the first to be taken ill, showed no change.

Dane didn't see how it could have been done either. No one but the Queen's own crew had been on board the ship during their entire stay on Sargol, except for the young Salarik. Could that cub have brought something? But he and Mura had been with the youngster every minute that he had been in the hydro.

Trajan's Gate The Appian Way The English Cemetery Catacombs of St. Calixtus Reflections on the Italian seat of government Churches S. Paolo Fuori le Mura Santa Maria Maggiore S. Pietro in Vincoli "Was St. Peter ever in Rome?" Fountains of Rome Dell' Aqua Felice Paulina Trevi Rome's famous Aqueducts Beggars Priests. Trajan's Gate, near the Coliseum, is a beautiful piece of architecture.

Departure from Obydos River Banks and By-channels Cacao Planters Daily Life on Board Our Vessel Great Storm Sand- Island and Its Birds Hill of Parentins Negro Trader and Mauhes Indians Villa Nova: Its Inhabitants, Forest, and Animal Productions Cararaucu A rustic Festival Lake of Cararaucu Motuca Flies Serpa Christmas Holidays River Madeira A Mameluco Farmer Mura Indians Rio Negro Description of Barra Descent to Para Yellow Fever