United States or Guinea-Bissau ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

To have that lot of men and women smoking and drinking after eleven o'clock in the house was not to be thought of, and she tried to force her son to say that the police must be sent for. But it was impossible to get an answer from him: the excitement and effort of speaking had rendered him speechless, and holding his moppy black hair with both hands, he wheezed in deep organ tones.

She wadded some hair over each ear, piled up the rest in a moppy coil and crowned it with a wreath of cherries. The party came. "Good Heavens!" Warble thought, as she looked at the smart, bored crowd, "have I got to bring these hifalutin creatures down to earth? I don't know that I can make them laugh, but I'll give them a jolt!" She did.

At last he lay still, with his head in her lap, licking her hand with his moppy red tongue every few seconds to tell her how grateful he was. Thus she sat until she heard the deep whistle of the returning steamer and the farewell song of the girls as they stood on the dock and waved goodbye to Edwin Langham.

A peculiar race of people is found here, the Soumali tall, gaunt-looking fellows, with a mass of moppy hair dyed a brilliant red. This head-gear, surmounting a small black face, is laughable in the extreme.

One bent over at a sharp angle, as if it had been partly uprooted, and its moppy fronds almost trailed in the still water of a pool formed by a second reef, not so clearly defined, which ran parallel with the land. Except inside this natural basin the whole shore of the island was wreathed by white rollers and behind the shore line was a fringe of vividly green jungle.

"I don't know if Ike Walton is a book or a steamboat!" The speaker was Beatrice Gale, a neighbour of the Farnsworths. She was pretty and saucy looking, a graceful sprite, with a dimpled chin, and soft brown hair, worn in moppy bunches over her ears. She was called Betty by her friends, and Patty and Bill had already acquired that privilege.

"Well, really, Miss Pearce," began the voice, but Nurse appeared on the scene so promptly that one might have suspected her of being all the time within hearing distance. Edith scuttled into the drawing-room, just avoiding a very large, over-dressed person, who came ponderously down the stairs, a moppy white dog festooned over one arm.