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Cobbe now appeared with some few Pioneers, and shortly after, a whole company, but the enemy were now quite out of sight; however, a company was sent in pursuit. Colonel Kelly came up, and we congratulated him, and there was a general demand for cigarettes, Moberly, I believe, being the happy possessor of some.

He was reported to be one of Gough's messengers, captured when taking letters to Moberly at Mastuj. I told the headman that he had better show his goodwill by bringing in the man, which he promised to do, and sent him in that night to our camp at Gasht. We learned little from him, except that the enemy were going to fight us between Gasht and Mastuj, and that the latter place was all right.

Oldham had now managed, with ropes and the scaling ladders, to get down on to the ledge below, so calling to Moberly to bring along his company, I dived down, followed by Gammer Sing and then Moberly, and one or two men of the Sappers followed him, and we, thinking the whole company was coming, went scrambling down to the bottom.

I need the prayers of all good people indeed. I quote this sentence because it led to a correspondence with both Mr. Keble and Dr. Moberly, which was equally prized by the holy and humble men of heart who wrote and received the letters: 'St. Andrew's, Kohimarama: November 20, 1861. 'Thank you, my dearest Sophy, for your loving letters, and all your love and devotion to him.

Moberly, Company Sergeant-Major Cairns, and Guest the latter by volunteering in daylight to run the gauntlet of the German snipers back to Headquarters greatly distinguished themselves in the task of maintaining this exposed position during the night of August 22 and throughout August 23.

After Ross had left Mastuj, Moberly remained in command of the fort, and on the 10th March was joined by Captain Bretherton of the Commissariat who came in with two sepoys from Ghizr. Moberly heard that Ross had left a small party at Buni, and though he sent messengers to this party, he never received any reply, the messengers probably being captured.

Again, thank you for it: it is very kind of you to write. I must send a line to Dr. Eidding. 'I am, my dear Dr. Moberly, 'Yours very truly, 'J. C. PATTESON, Bishop. The next of the closely written sheets that every mail carried was chiefly occupied with the Maori war and apostasy, on which this is not the place to enter, until the point where more personal reflections begin.

But instead of laying a general interdict on the custom, he only said, 'Come, come, boys! it's time you were asleep. Go to your rooms directly. 'Please, sir, faltered one Moberly by name the dullest and most honourable boy, to my thinking, amongst us, 'mayn't I stay where I am? Cumbermede has put me all in a shiver. Mr Elder laughed, and turning to me, asked with his usual good-humour,

A Company still had for its Commander Brown, among whose officers were Coombes, Callender, and Webb. As Company Sergeant Major, Cairns was a tower of strength. John Stockton led B Company, and under him was Moberly. C Company possessed two Captains, Brucker and Harris, and had as platoon commanders, Hawkes, Matthews, and Jones. D Company was still commanded by the author.

One of my familiar friends, who was in the country at Christmas, 1841-2, reported to me the feeling that prevailed about me; and how I felt towards it will appear in the following letter of mine, written in answer: "Oriel, Dec. 24, 1841. Carissime, you cannot tell how sad your account of Moberly has made me.