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Then was America conquered in Germany, and not only was Frederic so assisted as to be able to contend successfully against the three great houses of Bourbon, Habsburg, and Romanoff, and a horde of lesser dynasties, but British armies, at Minden and Creveldt, renewed on the fields of the continent recollections of the island skill and the island courage.

In these new departments many judges had been appointed who did not understand a word of German, and who had no knowledge of law. The presidents of the tribunals of Lilbeck, Stade, Bremerlehe, and Minden were so utterly ignorant of the German language that it was necessary to explain to them all the pleadings in the council-chamber.

At stations remote from one another, German voices shout German names; I do not recognize them by the sound, and look for them in vain upon the map. Magnificent great station buildings are shown up by gaslight in the midst of surrounding darkness, then disappear. We pass Hanover and Minden; the train keeps on its way; and morning dawns.

This was the first exploit of the hereditary prince, whose valour and activity on many subsequent occasions shone with distinguished lustre. He had no sooner reduced Hoya, than he marched to the attack of Minden, which he invested on the fifth day of March, and on the fourteenth the garrison surrendered at discretion.

They attended on the 2nd of the Seventh Month the Two-months' Meeting, at Minden. Many peasants were present in the meeting for worship, and on John and Martha Yeardley's return to Pyrmont, some of them came to the meeting there on First-day, and begged the Friends to go to Vlotho to meet a company of their brethren.

So, indeed, had I. But Captain Coffin himself cut short the talk at this point by appearing and announcing from the back doorstep that he had a treat for me if I would come inside. The treat consisted in a dish of tea a luxury in those times, rarely afforded even at Minden Cottage and a pot of guava-jelly, with Cornish cream and a loaf of white, wheaten bread.

I thought of Kipling's Men That Fought at Minden: "For fatigue it was their pride And they would not be denied To clean the cook-house floor." Here at Coldfoot we came first into contact with that interesting tribe of wandering inland Esquimaux known as the Kobuks, from their occupation of the river of that name.

This monotonous but simple formation was seldom deviated from; and no better could have been devised as war was carried on in those days. The French attempted something new at Minden, by forming as many columns as brigades, and opening roads to bring them to the front in line, a simple impossibility.

A court of general officers being appointed and assembled to inquire into his conduct, the judge-advocate gave him to understand that he was charged with having disobeyed the orders of prince Ferdinand, relative to the battle of Minden.

The Count de Broglie assured him that his confidence was not misplaced; 'But, said he, 'I have seen your uncle die in the wars of Italy; I witnessed your father's death at the battle of Minden; and I will not be accessary to the ruin of the only remaining branch of the family: He then used all his powers of argument and persuasion to divert Lafayette from his purpose, but in vain.