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Never were the environs of a city so wantonly and recklessly degraded. Municipalities have vied with millionaires in soiling and debasing the exquisite shores of our river, that, thirty years ago, were unrivalled the world over. The glamour of the past still lies for me upon this landscape in spite of its many defacements.

Every morning now there were invitations in Anthony's mail. Three dozen virtuous females of the first layer were proclaiming their fitness, if not their specific willingness, to bear children unto three dozen millionaires.

Philanthropy as a philosophy, and even as an institution, is getting to be nearly futile to-day, for the reason that millionaires valid, authentic cases of millionaires who are really cured who are changed either in their motives or their methods with regard to what they do with money, except in rare cases, do not exist.

They determined to acquire in a day that which had hitherto been deemed the gradual consequence of tedious education. A 'Society for the Diffusion of Fashionable Knowledge' was announced; the Millionaires looked triumphantly mysterious, the aristocrats quizzed.

With a great clatter and racket, that lady fell upon the dishes that held Patty's almost untasted dinner and whisked them away while her tongue kept time to her jerky movements. "Goodness me, doctor, do you think you're talking to millionaires? Where do you suppose the money is to come from to send Patty to the country? I can't afford it, that is certain.

I think it would be better if our rich men scattered themselves more than they do, buying large country estates, building houses and stables which will make it easy to entertain their friends, and depending for society on chosen guests rather than on the mob of millionaires who come together for social rivalry. But I do not fret myself about it.

I have been moved to come forward with the idea of inspired employers or, as I have called it, "Inspired Millionaires" because it would seem to me inspired employers are the very least we can ask for; for certainly if even our employers cannot be inspired or rested and strong, we cannot expect their overworked workmen to be.

How often, and with what rapture, have amorous millionaires trodden these squalid paths! the pavements of Paris know.

Millionaire, and she's not troubled by any over-sensitiveness or delicacy of sentiment." "That I quite believe from what you have told me," and Helmsley smiled. "But what do the papers what does the Cooing Column say?" "The Cooing Column says that one of the world's greatest millionaires, Mr.

Then income will be increased by the whole cost of the efforts which they now make it the sacrifice of comforts and often of necessaries to maintain the appearances of wealth. British grandees may be good models for our millionaires but what most of us want are models of the art of enjoying life thoroughly and nobly without ostentation and at a moderate cost.