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Kemball and her daughter surrendered the grandeurs of the captain's table willingly, even gladly, to minister to us and the meal was a merry one, Mr. Royce seeming in such spirits that I was more than ever determined not to disturb him with the knowledge of Martigny's presence. As the moments passed, my fears seemed more and more uncalled for.

Were his plans so well laid that it mattered not to him whither I went or what I did? After all, I had no assurance of success at Etretat no proof that the fugitives had gone there no reasonable grounds to believe that we should find them. Perhaps, indeed, Paris would be a better place to look for them; perhaps Martigny's advice had really been well meant.

"The more I reason about it, the more unreasonable it all seems. Besides, that affair last night has upset me so that I can't think clearly. I feel that I was careless that I wasn't doing my duty." "I shouldn't worry about it; though, of course," she added a little severely, "you've realized by this time that you alone are to blame for Martigny's presence on the boat."

The little towns sleeping on the shoulders of the mountains, or rising turreted from hardy rocks bathed by the golden river; the peeps up cool lateral valleys to blue glaciers; the near green slopes and distant, waving seas of snowy splendour left a series of pictures in the mind; and best of all was Martigny's tower pointing a slender finger skyward from its high hill.

"Why, Mistair Lester!" exclaimed Martigny's voice. "What is it? You have no illness, I hope!" "No," I murmured, "I'm just dead tired," and I started blindly for the stair. "Let me assist you," and he took my arm and helped me up; then went on ahead, opened my door, and lighted the gas. "Thanks," I said, as I dropped into a chair.

"Yes," I smiled, "and that is the very thing we complain of in the French." "Oh, our elisions are governed by well-defined laws which each one comprehends, while here " "Every man is a law unto himself. Remember, it is the land of the free " "And the home of the license, is it not?" he added, unconscious of irony. Yes, I decided, I was very fortunate in gaining Martigny's acquaintance.