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Then her thoughts flew onward to the ball of the evening, for it was the night of the Marmion ball. No more escape! If she went and nothing should prevent her from going it would be Falloden's evening, Falloden's chance. She had been perfectly conscious of evading and thwarting him during the previous week. There had been some girlish mischief, but more excitement in it.

"Give it to me, Pierre," said Frank; "Marmion don't like to be fed by strangers." The Ranchero kept on as if he were not aware that he had been spoken to; and his conduct went a long way in confirming the new suspicions that had suddenly sprung up in Frank's mind. "Uncle," said he, that evening, after supper, as he joined Mr.

It was short and to the point. "DEAR HARRY: If you can get away come back to Marmion and see Mary again. She wants to see you bad. I don't know what has happened but I think she has given King his walking papers and all on account of you. I know it. It can't be anybody else. She talked of you the entire evening. O man! but she was beautiful. She sang for me but her mind was away in the mountains.

"Perhaps," answered Franklin Marmion drily, and went on with his breakfast. The party which gradually assembled on the lawn about four was somewhat small, but very select. Nitocris had too much common sense and too much real consideration for her friends and acquaintances to get together a mere mob of well-dressed people of probably incompatible tastes and temperament, and call it a party.

Lockhart regarded "Old Mortality" as the "Marmion" of Scott's novels; but the painting of the Covenanters gave offence to the more rigid of the Presbyterians. For myself, I have doubt as to the correctness of their criticisms. "Old Mortality," in contrast with the previous novels of Scott, has a place similar to the later productions of George Eliot as compared with her earlier ones.

His "Marmion" and "Lay of the Last Minstrel" were already familiar to me. Of Shakespeare at this time, and for many subsequent years, I knew not a single line.

The Latin language thus became a means for preserving the records of history, and it has also been a treasure house of stories, furnishing material for much of the poetry of Europe. One of these legends gave Scott the story of the combat between Marmion and the Spectre Knight.

Yes! it was the very scene, viewed at the very hour, just as the poet described it to have been two hundred years before, when "Marmion, Lord of Fontenaye, Of Lutterward and Scrivelbaye, Of Tamworth tower and town," crossed with his knightly train into Scotland.

Altogether the metrical scheme is of a graver cast than that of the Lay, and suits the more serious and tragical colour of the story. It has been mentioned above in passing that Jeffrey reviewed Marmion on the whole unfavourably.

But before he had arrived at his decision, something else happened which was quite outside his programme. The Prince broke the chilly silence by saying to Nitocris in a tone loud enough for every one to hear: "I hope, Miss Marmion, that I have justified my intrusion by the skill which my friend Phadrig has displayed for the entertainment of your guests?"