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Eleven men and women were milking about one hundred and fifty cows, superintended by nine Highlanders, who were sitting on the toprails discoursing in Gaelic. One of them was Jock Macdonald, who was over eighteen stone in weight, too heavy for any ordinary horse to carry; the rest were Macalisters, Gillies, and Thomsons.

"Oh, a mere trifle half a crown a week, say." She hesitates and hankers. "John's Sunday coat's getting quite shabby, so it is, and Tam Macalister has a new suit, she was noticing the Macalisters are always flaunting in their braws!

'But who would have done such a thing? 'There is one man on the island who might have done it, and that man has had every opportunity. 'Who is that? 'Do you know a lad called Andrew MacPeters? He works for the MacAlisters sometimes. 'I know him, said Reggie, who had been listening but saying little. 'A red-headed man with foxy eyes. 'The same, said Euan.

And, there's that Paisley shawl for herself, too; eh, but they would be the canty pair, cocking down the road on Sunday in that rig! they would take the licht frae Meg Macalister's een thae Macalisters are always so en-vy-fu'!" Love, vanity, covetousness, present opportunity, are all at work upon the poor body. She succumbs.

'Indeed, Master Allan; it iss ahl ferry unlucky indeed; and it iss ferry sorry I will be for puir Neil and for Mrs. Macdonnell. You will be knowing the night before the robbery wass committed Neil will have been spending the evening with the MacAlisters.

The letter-box is in the MacAlisters' kitchen, which is at the same time their shop, and where every one goes in and out. The box is never locked; and after the letters are sorted they often lie on the table for hours, waiting until the postman comes to take them away. Any one who was not honest could easily slip into the kitchen when Mrs.

First, in the Tower, there's Jane Macalister's room, and Boris sleeps near her, and then there's Kitty she has a room to herself it's rather small, but she's immensely proud of it, and there's Nell and " Susy suddenly clapped her hands to her ears. "For goodness sake stop," she exclaimed. "What do I care for your Macalisters, and Boris's, and Kittys?

Allan nodded. 'You see, Miss Marjorie, continued Euan, 'Neil made no secret of having sent off a post-office order that day. He had got one on the evening before, when he was at the MacAlisters', and he put it in the pocket of his reefer jacket. You know that new churn he got for his mother? Well, he was paying for that by instalments and this was one of the payments.