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Apollo had seemed a little faint before luncheon, because of some inner disturbance, but he was flying fast as a saint on his way to Paradise as we crossed the Dee, into England out of Wales, and sprang into Gladstone country. When people are obliged to reach a town by rail, there must be disappointments to lovers of the picturesque, as you and I know by experience.

For the same reason, a man will willingly risk every kind of danger, and even become courageous, although he may otherwise be faint-hearted. What a delight we take in watching, either in a play or novel, two young lovers fighting for each other i.e., for the interest of the species and their defeat of the old people, who had only in view the welfare of the individual!

This was, perhaps, the most extensive private collection to be found within the Pale; we have every reason to infer, that, at least in Irish and Latin works, the Castles of the older race lovers of learning and entertainers of learned men were not worse furnished than Maynooth.

"And so," Miss Allonby continued, "Mother, believing me in ignorance, has deputed you to inform me of this most transparent secret? How strange is the blindness of lovers! But I suppose," sighed Miss Allonby, "we are all much alike." "We?" said Mr. Erwyn, softly. "I meant " said Miss Allonby, flushing somewhat. "Yes?" said Mr. Erwyn. His voice sank to a pleading cadence.

She was to watch her mistress from the house, and follow her to the place of assignation. When that should be determined she was to return with all haste to Roblado who appointed a place of meeting her and then guide him and his troop to the lovers. This, thought Roblado, would be the surest plan to proceed upon. He had taken his measures accordingly.

These details describe life in the provinces; an intrigue is either openly avoided or impossible anywhere. Like all women carried away for the first time by passion, Louise discovered the difficulties of her position one by one. They frightened her, and her terror reacted upon the fond talk that fills the fairest hours which lovers spend alone together. Chatelet did not believe in such innocence.

He then took off the bridle, laid saddle and pillion on one shoulder, his gun on the other, and began to move onwards, at the same time encouraging the lovers to follow as fast as they could, with the grateful intelligence that his castle lay at no great distance. "Only don't look behind you," added he, at the same time quickening his pace, "but think of Lot's wife."

Thus, Titian is not soft enough for the sensualist, Correggio suits him better; Titian is not defined enough for the formalist, Leonardo suits him better; Titian is not pure enough for the religionist, Raphael suits him better; Titian is not polite enough for the man of the world, Vandyke suits him better; Titian is not forcible enough for the lovers of the picturesque, Rembrandt suits him better.

Then weighty matters recalled M. de Nueil to France. His father and brother died, and he was obliged to leave Geneva. The lovers bought the house; and if they could have had their way, they would have removed the hills piecemeal, drawn off the lake with a siphon, and taken everything away with them. Mme. de Beauseant followed M. de Nueil.

Would that have changed her, Cosette? Would he have drawn back? Would he have adored her any the less? Would he have refrained from marrying her? No. Then there was nothing to regret, nothing with which he need reproach himself. All was well. There is a deity for those drunken men who are called lovers.