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They simply wouldn't seem meaningful at all. But before he could ask permission to attempt to make talk in a more sophisticated fashion, voices exclaimed all over the ship. They came blurringly to the loud-speakers. "Look at that!" "What's he do " "Spinning like " From every place where there was a vision-plate on the Niccola, men watched the Plumie ship and babbled.

The picture Tom presented had many curious sides and no one had the slightest idea of how to go beyond speculation and find proof! "The winners are " Captain Strong's voice rang loud and clear over the loud-speakers "first place, Captain Sticoon, piloting the Marsopolis Limited entry, Space Lance! Second place, Captain Miles, piloting the Charles Brett Company entry, Space Knight!

"All ready up there?" he called. "All set, sir," replied the enlisted spaceman. "All right, give them their orbits and blast-off time." There was a slight pause, and then the gruff voice of the tower operator was heard over the loud-speakers and in the ships. "All ships will blast off on orbit forty-one ... raise ship at 18:51:35 ... stand by!"

"You will make two stops for refueling on your trip," Captain Strong called over the loud-speakers, as well as into the intercom connecting the three ships. "First fuel stop will be on Deimos of Mars and the second will be at Ganymede. You are to chart a direct course to each of them.

Don't mean much as it stands, but I suspect means a lot more than it seems to." Just above Curlie's head there hung a receiver. To the right and left of him were two loud-speakers. Before him ranged three others. Each one of these was tuned to a certain wave length, 200, 350, 500, 600, 1200 meters.

The bright green eyes remained closed. "That may be so. Yes, Sepastian, I honestly think you believe that." "I do," said MacMaine, and shot him carefully through the head. The End and Epilogue. "Hold it!" The voice bellowed thunderingly from the loud-speakers of the six Earth ships that had boxed in the derelict. "Hold it! Don't bomb that ship!

They had hardly landed before one of Ato's scientists announced that there was good clean air outside. Oxygen and nitrogen with good old water held as moisture within it. The city sat there upon the plain and stared at them. The Nebula looked back. At length a procession of cars moved toward them. Grim Hagen's voice came thundering over the loud-speakers. "A truce, Ato.

Strong's voice boomed out over the loud-speakers and the French Chicken poured on the power. His ship arose from the ground easily, and in five seconds was out of sight in the cloudless skies above. All day the spaceport rocked with the thunderous noise of stripped-down spaceships blasting off on their trial runs around the Moon.

They simply disappeared, after a brief flurry of blows, and the Makann storm-troopers continued their advance. And that was that. The gates of the Palace were shut; the mob, behind a front of Makann People's Watchmen, surged up to them and stopped. The loud-speakers bellowed on, reiterating their four-word chant. "Those police were murdered," he said.

The open doors on the Street of the Sailors were all loud-speakers of drunken oaths and laughter, pierced now and then by a scream or cry as someone in the sweating press of bodies inside knew rage or fear.