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"By the Bull that bought me," said Mowgli to himself, "but all this talking is like another looking-over by the Pack! Well, if I am a man, a man I must become."

"I had no notion, Miss Arundel, that that of this," Hudson began in a dry, jerky whisper. "Believe me, I wouldn't 'a' thought of intrudin'. I ordered the picture there from your father a fortnight ago, and this was the day I was to come and give it a last looking-over before I came through with the cash, see?

In the long run, I think that is best, don't you?" "It's up to you," she said quietly. "Ready?" "Begin." Looking-over her shoulder, while she put pen to paper, he began to dictate: "This is the last letter you will ever receive from me. All is over between us. I need not enter into explanations. I have tried and I have failed. Do not think badly of me. It was beyond my strength. Good-by.

I gave him my hand and a good deal more of a smile and a blush than I intended. He very far from kissed the hand; he held it just long enough to turn me around into the light and give me one long looking-over from head to feet. "Just where does that corset press you worst?" he asked in the tone of voice he uses to say "poke out your tongue."

Can you do it?" "Oh, yes. Is the car there? I won't have to stop?" "Not an instant. But give him a good looking-over so that he'll be sure, and don't change the expression of your eyes. Feel, make yourself feel inside, that he's a stranger. You know what I mean. Good-night, my dear. Good luck. I'll call you up as soon as you get home that is, after I've seen your pursuer safely back to his rooms."

Mowgli always attended a Looking-over, remembering the night when a black panther bought a naked brown baby into the pack, and the long call, "Look, look well, O Wolves," made his heart flutter. Otherwise, he would be far away in the Jungle with his four brothers, tasting, touching, seeing, and feeling new things.

When he chose to speak the Pack waited till he had finished, and he sat at Akela's side on the rock above Phao. Those were days of good hunting and good sleeping. No stranger cared to break into the jungles that belonged to Mowgli's people, as they called the Pack, and the young wolves grew fat and strong, and there were many cubs to bring to the Looking-over.

It was a funny glad-to-see-him I felt as I came into the surgery where he was standing over by the window looking out at my garden in its twilight glow. I gave him my hand and a good deal more of a smile and a blush than I intended. He very far from kissed the hand; he held it just long enough to turn me round into the light and give me one long looking-over from head to feet.

Thankful waited a moment and then proceeded to give that room a very thorough looking-over. It was such a small apartment that the process took but little time. There was no closet. Except for the one window and the door by which she had entered, the four walls, covered with old-fashioned ugly paper, had no openings of any kind.

He tried to keep from scowling but his brows twisted into knots in spite of himself. "You will keep on till orders are countermanded, hey?" he inquired grimly. "Ain't you got no commonsense nor reason to you?" "It isn't a question of that, Colonel. It's a question of obeying my employers." The old man gave him another thorough looking-over and then whirled on Hackett.