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But gien I gang on this gait, we'll be beginnin as we left aff last nicht, and maybe fa' to strife! And we hae to loe ane anither, not accordin to what the ane thinks, or what the ither thinks, but accordin as each kens the Maister loes the ither, for he loes the twa o' us thegither." "But hoo ken ye that he's pleased wi' ye?" "I said naething aboot that: I said he loes you and me!"

Ye are a bonny young leddy, and a gude ane, and maybe a weel-tochered ane but dinna ye sneer awa the lad Lovel, as ye did a while sinsyne on the walk beneath the Briery-bank, when I saw ye baith, and heard ye too, though ye saw nae me. Be canny wi' the lad, for he loes ye weel, and it's to him, and no to anything I could have done for you, that Sir Arthur and you wan ower yestreen."

"No reason whatever, sir if ye can and do: that point would be already settlet. But ye winna get Maggie to merry ye sae long as she disna believe ye loe her Lord as well as she loes him hersel. It's no a common love that Maggie beirs to her Lord; and gien ye loed her wi' a luve worthy o' her, ye would see that!" "Then you will promise me not to interfere?"

Whare will I get a bonny boy That will win hose and shoon: That will gae down to Durisdeer, And bid my merry men come? He drowned the latter part of the verse by playing, with much emphasis, Kind Robin loes me.

The next morning I visited the largest of the Los or Loes Islands, which, I presume, in days of yore had been created by a volcanic eruption. I struck off some of the rock which contained iron, and had a ringing sound, and on rubbing it together it smelt of sulphur. There were a few small houses on the island inhabited by fishermen, who appeared as poor as Job’s stable-boy.

What would you have a warrant for? 'It is to apprehend a young lawyer that is IN MEDITATIONE FUGAE; for he has ta'en my memorial and pleaded my cause, and a good fee I gave him, and as muckle brandy as he could drink that day at his father's house he loes the brandy ower weel for sae youthful a creature.

Ye are a bonny young leddy, and a gude ane, and maybe a weel-tochered ane but dinna ye sneer awa the lad Lovel, as ye did a while sinsyne on the walk beneath the Briery-bank, when I saw ye baith, and heard ye too, though ye saw nae me. Be canny wi' the lad, for he loes ye weel, and it's to him, and no to anything I could have done for you, that Sir Arthur and you wan ower yestreen."

"Me loes!" exclaimed Madame Clementine, miscalling her English as she always did in excitement. "Me handle de big bones, moi-même! Me loes what de doctor who found him say!" "I was told it was an Indian girl." "You have hear lies, madame. Me loes there was a blue man found beyond Point de Mission." "But who was it that I saw in your house?" "He is not in my house!" declared Madame Clementine.