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Being kept in on Saturday meant that he would be unable to turn out for Little Borlock against Claythorpe, the return match. In the previous game he had scored ninety-eight, and there was a lob bowler in the Claythorpe ranks whom he was particularly anxious to meet again.

To the sellers in the market, to the barmen and barmaids, to the beggars who importuned him for a lob Mr Dedalus told the same tale that he was an old Corkonian, that he had been trying for thirty years to get rid of his Cork accent up in Dublin and that Peter Pickackafax beside him was his eldest son but that he was only a Dublin jackeen.

They said That since Lob came back to Lingborough the hens laid eggs as large as turkeys' eggs, and the turkeys' eggs were oh, you wouldn't believe the size! That the cows gave nothing but cream, and that Thomasina skimmed butter off it as less lucky folk skim cream from milk. That her cheeses were as rich as butter.

Ay, the fat woman of Brentford had just come to Goodman Gosling's house "Come back an' shut the door behind you, Hammie; there's more than a nip to these December gales. I' faith, how the lad drumbles, a clumsy lob

When playing a back-hand across the court, from corner to corner, let your arm and shoulder on the follow through be extended as far as they will go, and your body brought round to face the net. The lob is a most important and useful stroke and should be constantly practised. It is by no means an easy stroke to play really well and accurately.

For instance, the name given to the runner or boxer, who is so called in virtue of an inborn capacity, is not derived from that of any quality; for lob those capacities have no name assigned to them. In this, the inborn capacity is distinct from the science, with reference to which men are called, e.g. boxers or wrestlers.

He dwelt in a vast, bright silk dressing-gown, and said that if an Emperor shook his hand he would cut it off. I said if a workman shook mine I should wash it. And so we parted, and he fell to denouncing me as a traitor and a persifleur, who would preach monarchy or republicanism, according to which sounded better in the sentence. Poor Lob Baruch!

You are firing at something well above yourself, and you could not tell very exactly where your howitzer shell had fallen. What has modified all this in the last few years is First, the successful bringing into the field of very large howitzers, which, though they do lob their shells, lob them over a very great distance. But 11-inch was quite enough to change all the old conditions.

It is nearly always best to lob to your opponent's back-hand, since the majority of players are weaker there. There are three kinds of lobs: The high lob, sent well out of reach of your opponent's racket, but with the disadvantage of taking some time to reach the ground.

Abraham Peretz, financier and champion of Jews' rights, consented to be converted, as also Löb Nebakhovich, the dramatist, whose plays were produced in the Imperial theatre of St. Petersburg and performed in the presence of the emperor.