United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

To-morrow they might read further and grow a little uncomfortable, but for the moment they were only mildly interested, and the majority would turn to the back page for the list of "arrivals" at Lingfield. "It is unbelievable," said Kitson. "I have exactly the same feeling I had on August 1, 1914 that sensation of unreality."

"Won a small race at Lingfield." "Who's riding?" "One o' the Putnam lads. Carries his prayer-book in his pocket. Mar makes 'em for luck!" "He can foot it." "I'd like to see a walkin'-race between that mare and the big un. What's his price?" He leaned over to the ring below and asked. "Twenties," came the answer. Jaggers heard and nudged Ikey.

The moment Beddersley's eye fell upon them, a curious look came over his face. "Why, these," he said, "are taken on Herbert Winslow's method, Miss Lingfield." "Yes," Dolly admitted timidly. "They are. He's a friend of mine, don't you know; and he gave me some plates that just fitted my camera." Beddersley gazed at them steadily. Then he turned to Charles.

When I brought my victim of foreign tyranny to Lingfield Terrace, Stenson, I believe, nearly fainted. He is the correctest of English valets, and his only vice, I believe, is the accordion, on which he plays jaunty hymn-tunes when I am out of the house. When he had recovered he asked me, respectfully, how they were to understand each other.

"Who can tell what women will accept, and what they will refuse? My daughter refused Lord Lingfield and he is an Under-Secretary, and will be Earl Chobham, and a Cabinet Minister, and a rich man. After that, what are you to say?" "You speak of her as penniless," Thorpe remarked, with a casual air. "Six hundred a year," the father answered.

Minesweeper Lingfield to take off surplus steaming parties of block ships, which had 100 miles to steam. Eighteen coastal motorboats. Thirty-three motor launches. To bombard vicinity of Zeebrugge Monitors Erebus and Terror. To attend monitors Termagant, Truculent, and Manly. Outer patrol off Zeebrugge Attentive, Scot, Ulleswater, Teazer and Stork.

"Between Lingfield Terrace and Avenue Road she has been caught, thrust into a closed carriage, gagged and carried God knows where by the wiliest old thief in Asia. He is the Prefect of Police in Aleppo. His name is Hamdi Effendi and he is staying at the Hotel Metropole." The Inspector questioned me. Heaven knows how I answered. I saw the scene. The waiting carriage. The unfrequented bit of road.

Shall I be accused of harbouring a bevy of odalisques at No. 20 Lingfield Terrace? Calumny and Exaggeration walk abroad, arm in arm, even on the north side of Regent's Park. If they had spied Carlotta at my window this morning, they would have looked in for afternoon tea at my Aunt Jessica's and have waylaid Mrs. Ralph Ordeyne outside the Oratory. The question is: Shall Truth anticipate them?