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The Utica, Angel's and Lightner mines give employment to hundreds of men. In the afternoon I visited the Bret Harte Girls' High School. It is a very simple frame building, on the summit of a hill overlooking the town. The man who directed me how to find it, I discovered had not the remotest idea who Bret Harte might be; "John Brown" would have answered the purpose equally as well.

Old Jenks has come up from the river, and brought a store of fine things there's a fiddle for Ned, and Jason Lightner has a flute, and I I have a small lot of books, Margaret, that I think will please you." "I thank you, William Hinkley, and thank your mother, but I can not come this evening."

She was flaunting her disapproval before her as a sort of banner when, finally, the lecturer came to an end and the audience began their noisy business of getting out of their seats. Missy glanced about, suspicious yet alertly inquisitive. Would the women rush up and kiss him? Her eyes rested on prim Mrs. Siddons, on silly Miss Lightner, on fat, motherly Mrs. Allen, Kitty's mother.

Charles G. Saunders, of Lawrence, Mass.; Hon. Arthur J.C. Sowdon, and Hon. Robert Treat Paine, of Boston, Mass; Mr. William B. Hooper, of San Francisco; Mr. Henry P. Baldwin, of Detroit, Mich.; Mr. Francis J. McMaster, of St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. William H. Lightner, of St. Paul, Minn.; Mr. Richard H. Battle, of Raleigh, N.C.; Hon. G.S. Gadsden, of Charleston, S.C.; Mr.

Missy didn't know just what it was, not being particularly interested in newspapers and current events, and remote things that didn't matter. But Raymond evidently knew something about Dobson aside from his being just prominent. "I only hope he kisses old Miss Lightner!" he said, chortling. "Kisses her?" repeated Missy, roused from her reveries.

A third member of the "troupe," a short and very plump man of commonplace type, was handing out bottles. It was "Doctor" Lightner, vending his "Magic Oil." At first I perceived only the doctor whose splendid gray suit and spotless linen made the men in the crowd rustic and graceless, but as I studied the woman I began to read into her face a sadness, a weariness, which appealed to my imagination.

Your mother must therefore excuse me, William: I should be a very dull person among the rest." "She will be so very sorry, Margaret and Ned, whose new fiddle has just come, and Jason Lightner, with his flute. They all spoke of you and look for you above all, to hear them this evening. They will be so disappointed."

Now, a good heart seems to be the very best thing that nature can give us; and I know, Margaret, that there's no two better hearts in all Charlemont perhaps in all the world, though I won't say that than cousin Ned Hinkley, and Jason Lightner, and "

Even if Ned Hinkley was a perfect fool, which he is not, and Jason Lightner were no better, nobody can say that they are not good musicians. Old Squire Bee says there's not in all Kentucky a better violinist than Ned, and Jason's flute is the sweetest sound that ear ever listened to along these hills.

Why on earth should a lecturer kiss anybody, above all Miss Lightner, who was an old maid and not attractive despite local gossip about her being "man-crazy"? "Why would he kiss Miss Lightner?" Raymond looked at her in astonishment. "Why, haven't you heard about him?" Missy shook her head. "Why, he's always in the papers! Everywhere he goes, women knock each other down to kiss him!