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For this reason it was that the Gods gave Helen to Achilles, and sent the pair to reign in Leuke: though, for my part," concluded the Hamadryad, "I shall never cease to wonder what he saw in her no, not if I live to be a thousand." "I must," says Jurgen, "observe this monarch Achilles before the world is a day older.

"Yes, dearie, had you once sinned with a woman in the youth I gave, you would have been punished instantly and very terribly. For I was always a great believer in chastity, and in the old days I used to insure the chastity of all my priests in the only way that is infallible." "In fact, I noticed something of the sort as you passed in Leuke."

Why, were there nothing else, in Leuke there are no attractive women." "Have you no sense except book-sense! It is for that reason I am sending you to Leuke." And thus speaking, Anaitis set about a strong magic that hastened the coming of the Equinox. In the midst of her charming she wept a little, for she was fond of Jurgen.

"There remains, then, but one other realm, which I have not shown you, in part because it is an obscure little place, and in part because, for a reason that I have, I shall not assist you to go thither. Still, there is Leuke, where Queen Helen rules: and Leuke it is that you behold."

With the dawn Jurgen arose, and left this Hamadryad Chloris still asleep. He stood where he overlooked the city and the shirt of Nessus glittered in the level sun rays: and Jurgen thought of Queen Helen. Then he sighed, and went back to Chloris and wakened her with the sort of salutation that appeared her just due. Of Compromises in Leuke

"I thought it was only yesterday you arrived in Leuke." "That is true: for I came with the Equinox, over the long sea." "Then Jugatinus has not had time to marry you to anybody, and certainly he would never think of marrying you to two wives. Why do you talk such nonsense?" "No, it is true, I was not married by Jugatinus." "So there!" says Chloris, as if that settled matters.

For this likewise is an AEolic saying, The taste of the first olive is unpleasant, but the second is good." Now for a while was silence save for the small secretive rumors of the forest. One of the large green locusts which frequent the Island of Leuke began shrilling tentatively. "Wait now, King Jurgen, for surely I hear footsteps, and one comes to trouble us."

She had so bright a face that Master Jacques Tribouillard, doctor in law and a renowned cosmographer, who was often a visitor at her house, was used to tell her: "Seeing you, madame, I deem credible and even hold it proven, what Cucurbitus Piger lays down in one of his scholia on Strabo, to wit, that the famous city and university of Paris was of old known by the name of Lutetia or Leucecia, or some such like word coming from Leukê, that is to say, 'the white, forasmuch as the ladies of the same had bosoms white as snow, yet not so clear and bright and white as is your own, madame."

For the heart of no man remains untroubled after he has once viewed Queen Helen and the beauty that is hers. It is for that reason, Jurgen, I shall not help you to go into Leuke: for in Leuke you would forget me, having seen Queen Helen." "Why, what nonsense you are talking, my darling! I will wager she cannot hold a candle to you." "See for yourself!" said Anaitis, sadly.

"O godmother, but do give rein to your better instincts and all that sort of thing, and speak with me more candidly! Come now, dear lady, there should be no secrets between you and me. In Leuke you were reported to be Cybele, the great Res Dea, the mistress of every tangible thing. In Cocaigne they spoke of you as AEsred. And at Cameliard Merlin called you Aderes, dark Mother of the Little Gods.