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Updated: November 20, 2024

At night I observed the latitude of our camp, by alpha Aquilae 34 degrees 12 minutes 52 seconds S. by beta Leonis 34 degrees 12 minutes 35 seconds S. and assumed the mean of the two, or 34 degrees 12 minutes 43 seconds as the correct one. October 1.

'Tis a great foolery to teach our children: "Quid moveant Pisces, animosaque signa Leonis, Lotus et Hesperia quid Capricornus aqua," Propertius, iv.

The inscription upon his monument reads as follows: Mole sub hac fortis requiescunt ossa Leonis Qui vicit factis nomina magna suis. These words may be translated into English as follows: "This narrow grave contains the remains of a man who was a Lion by name, and much more so by his deeds."

It must have been, therefore, with some confidence in the justice of their cause that the opposition party met at a later hour, and by the votes of a majority of the College of Cardinals elected the Cardinal Peter Leonis, the grandson of a converted Jew and formerly a monk of Cluny, as Anacletus II. There was no question of principle at stake; it was a mere struggle of factions.

At night I observed the latitude of our camp, by alpha Aquilae 34 degrees 12 minutes 52 seconds S. by beta Leonis 34 degrees 12 minutes 35 seconds S. and assumed the mean of the two, or 34 degrees 12 minutes 43 seconds as the correct one. October 1.

No, the coming 'man on horseback' on our side must be a great strategist, with the soul of that insane lion, mad old John Brown, in his belly. That is your only Promethean recipe: 'et insani leonis Vim stomacho apposuisse nostro. "I don't know why Horace runs so in my head this morning. . . .

In old texts this Gulf is generally called Sinus Gallicus; in the fourteenth century a few writers began to call it Sinus Leonis, the Gulf of the Lion, possibly from the fierceness of its winds and waves, but at any rate by a name having nothing to do with Lyons on the Rhone.

The columbine was once known as Herba leonis, from a belief that it was the lion's favourite plant, and it is said that when bears were half-starved by hybernating having remained for days without food they were suddenly restored by eating the arum.

Next in order for this characteristic detail rank A. Leonis and Kotschyi the latter rarely grown with seven-inch "tails;" Scottianum and Ellisii with six-inch; that is to say, they ought to show such dimensions respectively. Whether they fulfil their promise depends upon the grower. With the exceptions named, this family belongs to Madagascar.

Approximate periods were fixed for many of the revolving suns for Castor 342 years; for Gamma Leonis, 1200, Delta Serpentis, 375, Eta Bootis, 1681 years; Eta Lyræ was noted as a "double-double-star," a change of relative situation having been detected in each of the two pairs composing the group; and the occultation was described of one star by another in the course of their mutual revolutions, as exemplified in 1795 by the rapidly circulating system of Zeta Herculis.

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