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Sweet memories! bitter fruit!" "Why bitter? ye love each other still." "But I am vowed to celibacy, and Adeline de Courval is leman where she should be wedded dame. Methinks I fret at that thought even more than she, dear Adeline!" "Your lady, as all would guess, is then nobly born?"

No one has so successfully attempted to invest scenes, in themselves beautiful, with the additional and powerful interest of ideal recollections. Picturesque as are the shores of Leman, Meillerie, and Vevai, yet to Rousseau's sublime conceptions and eloquent descriptions, they are chiefly indebted for the celebrity which they enjoy. Nature made Switzerland a land of rugged magnificence.

'God knows what we may believe in these days. Doubtless the Nuntio of Satan hath a new plot in the hatching. Making these enquiries, the chaplain came upon the backwash of Udal's reports that the King loved some leman. Some lady, somewhere some said a Howard, some a Rochford, some would have it a Spanish woman was being hidden up, either by the King, by the Duke of Norfolk, or by Privy Seal.

It was one of those moral disturbances to which he was scarcely less used than he was accustomed to encounter physical contests of the elements like that in which he had lately rendered so essential service on the Leman.

Its pathos unfits it for an ordinary drawing-room, but as the music at Mr Palmer's was not of the common kind, The Three Ravens was put on the list for that night. 'She was dead herself ere evensong time. With a down, hey down, hey down, God send every gentleman Such hawks, such hounds, and such a leman. With down, hey down, hey down.

There was a sprig of the Church of England on the steamboat on Lake Leman, who spread himself upon a center bench, and discoursed very instructively to his friends, a stout, fat-faced young man in a white cravat, whose voice was at once loud and melodious, and whom our manly Oxford student set down as a man who had just rubbed through the university, and got into a scanty living.

There has already been allusion, in the earlier pages of our work, to the extraordinary beauties of the route near this extremity of the Leman.

I went for excursions into Savoy, ascended La Grande Saleve on donkey- back, and from the top looked down at the full length of the Leman. I drove to the valley of Chamounix, sixty-eight miles, in a diligence and four; about every other hour we had relays of horses and a new driver. Whenever possible, we went at a rattling galop. Half-way I heard the first Italian.

"Why dost throttle so, infernal Nicklaus?" "Thou wilt die damned!" "Thou chokest villain pardon! pardon!" He heard no more. The merciful elements interposed to drown the appalling strife. Once or twice the dog howled, but the tempest came across the Leman again in its might, as if the short pause had been made merely to take breath.

The Black Sea is only a lake, like Lake Leman; the Baltic is frozen five months in a year. These are all the seas she possesses. Constantinople is the key to the palace of the Czars. Russia is already omnipotent on the Continent; once master of the Mediterranean, it is not difficult to see that the power which already controls three-quarters of the world, will soon have the fourth quarter.